1. picture; drawing; painting; sketch
2. image (TV, film, etc.); picture; footage
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (123 in total)
tomoe; heraldic design composed of two or more interlocked comma-shaped figures
to make a lovely picture; to be perfect for a picture; picture-perfect; picturesque
picture book
Examples (109 in total)
This is a picture.
Look at the picture.
What a beautiful picture!
Is the picture straight?
She looked at the picture.
Can you see the picture?
I've taken up painting recently.
You must not touch the paintings.
The picture was wonderful.
My younger sister is good at drawing.
Hang that picture on the wall.
Meg colored the picture.
He has a sharp eye for painting.
Look at the picture on the wall.
I really like your paintings.
Did he show you the picture?
That is the picture that he painted.
This painting was very expensive.
I like their pictures.
Why didn't you look at the picture?
Look at this picture.
There are many paintings on the wall.
I painted this picture.
The picture hangs over the table.
This is a picture of my drawing.
This painting will pass for genuine.
My brother has a gift for painting.
I hung a picture on the wall.
I like music, but I also like paintings.
People came to like her paintings.
I'm poor at drawing.
He turned his attention to the picture.
He stared at the picture.
Did he draw this picture by himself?
Jack is interested in painting.
Many paintings hang in art museums.
There is a portrait of Bob on the wall.
This is the picture that Mary painted.
His eye fell on the picture on the wall.
Tom pointed to the picture on the wall.
My brother hung the picture upside down.
That painting by Rembrandt is a work of art.
Do you know who is looking at that picture?
He stood gazing at the painting.
That painting is beautiful, and so is this one.
What do you imagine when you see that picture?
I've seen that picture before.
Never have I seen such a beautiful picture.
His paintings seem strange to me.
There are some pictures on the wall.
Little by little, I'm beginning to like that painting.
Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?
I don't like either of those pictures.
How did you obtain this painting?
This book has many pictures.
I compared this picture with that picture.
Have a look at that picture.
John stared at the picture.
Tom is going to buy that painting.
I'm sorry, this painting is not for sale.
This painting is attributed to Monet.
You may take any picture you like.
Early in life he showed a talent for painting.
The art dealer guaranteed the picture genuine.
Can I take a look at the painting you bought yesterday?
Come closer and have a good look at this picture.
Everybody in the picture is smiling happily.
She explained her idea by means of pictures.
I thought about the meaning of his painting.
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
Those pictures were painted by him.
I attended his classes and learned how to draw.
All he wanted was time to finish his painting.
First of all, let's look at this famous picture.
Because novels, just like paintings, need you to practice.
She transferred the picture in the book to her notebook.
This painting is nicely done. It looks just like Mom.
The teacher explained his theory using pictures.
The use of bright colors is one of the features of his paintings.
The picture is on the wall now.
I'm going to France to study painting.
That artist created a lot of beautiful pictures.
He hopes to exhibit his paintings in Japan.
He paid as much as a million dollars for the painting.
He obtained a picture which Picasso had painted in his later years.
I sold the picture for 20,000 yen.
The picture painted by him is of great value.
The picture was painted by a famous painter.
These paintings will be left here for posterity.
No one noticed that the picture was hung upside down.
Have you ever seen the picture painted by Picasso?
I always think of my father when I look at this picture.
Just because he likes painting doesn't mean he's good at it.
I was interested in him because his paintings really impressed me.
He decided to go to Paris for the purpose of studying painting.
This is a picture of the first train that ran between Tokyo and Yokohama.
His painting wasn't particularly good, so no one praised him for it.
The girl in the picture is wearing a crown not of gold but of flowers.
One of his paintings fetched more than a million dollars at auction.
I like this picture, not just because it's famous, but because it really is a masterpiece.
Take home these paintings of his and tell me what you think of them.
If I had bought the painting then, I would be rich now.
The price of the picture is 10 pounds.
The painting will cost at least 1,000 dollars.
She cut a picture out of the book.
He painted the picture in oils.
The picture has already been finished by him.
Do you like any of these pictures?
The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out.