Adjective (の)
1. ocean
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
marine life; marine organism
maritime nation
oceanography; oceanology
deep ocean water; deep-sea water
marine pollution; oceanic pollution; sea pollution
submarine geology
ocean investigation ship
marine; maritime; oceanic; oceanity
marine meteorological observatory
law of the sea; maritime law
marine science
physical oceanography
oceanographic observation
oceanic climate
maritime police
dumping at sea
ocean development
ocean thermal energy conversion
ocean surveillance satellite
freedom of the sea
maritime patrol aircraft; MPA
marine ranch; marifarm
ocean floor; sea floor; seabed
superocean; super ocean
Oceanic Anoxic Event; Ocean Anoxic Event; OAE
international order of the seas; public order at sea
chemical oceanography; marine chemistry
ocean engineering
marine archaeology; underwater archaeology
Examples (3 in total)
There are four oceans in the world.
Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals.
They can be found around the world in temperate and tropical oceans.