Verb (する)
1. restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement
2. recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence
esp. 快復
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
analepticum; restorative medicine
power of recovery; ability to recuperate; resilience
recovery from exhaustion
Examples (41 in total)
Will he recover?
It seems the weather will improve.
I wish you a quick recovery.
Recovery was almost impossible.
Father recovered his health.
He has recovered from his bad cold.
She has completely recovered from her illness.
My uncle has completely recovered from his illness.
He will get better in two weeks.
The patient is steadily recovering.
You will recover from your weakness soon.
The sovereign completely recovered from his illness.
She fell ill, but got well soon.
I hope the economy picks up soon.
You are now on the way to recovery.
She has finally recovered from her cold.
Don't worry. I have completely recovered.
She will get over the shock soon.
His recovery was nothing short of a miracle.
He soon recovered from the illness.
There is not a little hope of his recovery.
There is no hope of his getting well soon.
It took me ten days to get over my cold.
After decades of civil war, order was restored.
There's little hope of Tom getting well soon.
It took Rei 20 days to get over her injury.
To my regret, my father could not recover from his long illness.
Mexico City's economic and social activity are gradually recovering.
To my relief he recovered from his illness.
We began to walk again as soon as she was recovered.
Amazingly, the old man recovered his health.
This new medicine may aid your recovery.
The recovery of Japan's economy, which has been in a recession for some time, is finally under way.
Recovery of the world economy is not yet in sight.
This medicine may aid his recovery.
After that he began to enjoy life again, and gradually recovered.
I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.
What with fresh air and proper exercise, he recovered from his illness quickly.
It took her four months to recover from her sickness.
The boxer finally recovered consciousness, ten minutes after he had been knocked out.
Only after a century and a half of confusion was the royal authority restored.