Verb (する)
1. settlement; solution; resolution
Pitch accent
Composed of
solution (of an equation, inequality, etc.); root (e.g. of a polynomial); solution (to a given problem); answer; explanation; interpretation
decision; vote
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
solution; solution strategy
resolution of an incident; solution to a (criminal) case
way of solving (a problem); solution
Examples (68 in total)
That's not a solution.
These problems can be solved.
Fighting won't settle anything.
It cannot be called a fundamental solution.
Settle the argument soon.
He solved the difficult problem.
The dispute was settled peacefully.
Solve this problem on your own.
It was a problem difficult to solve.
How do you figure out this problem?
At last, she solved the problem.
There are many problems to be solved.
We had a hard time resolving that problem.
That's a problem difficult to solve.
We solved the problem by mutual concessions.
My desire is to help you with this problem.
The problem is as good as settled.
How are we going to solve this problem?
For the time being, there seems to be almost no hope of a solution.
Can you solve the problem by yourself?
It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
The problem will resolve itself eventually.
These problems will be solved in the near future.
That matter was decided by the Supreme Court.
The solution of the energy problem will take a long time.
I have a lot of problems to solve.
It wasn't easy to solve this problem.
We have to solve that problem first.
There are many problems to solve.
He solved the problem by himself.
She solved the problem with ease.
Solving the problem took three years.
Science does not solve all the problems of life.
Both parties took a step towards a solution.
The solution to that problem was more difficult than expected.
Tom solved the problem by himself.
The police set out to solve the crime.
International disputes must be settled peacefully.
The group tried to solve social problems.
Algeria needs to solve its energy problems.
There is no problem that we have to solve.
I have to solve the problem myself.
He tried to solve the problem, only to fail.
In my opinion, it would be difficult to solve this problem.
This problem may be solved in a variety of ways.
I understand how to solve the problem.
The children solved the problem for themselves.
I have my own way of solving it.
The two countries will negotiate a settlement to the crisis.
If science makes progress, we'll be able to solve such problems.
How did he work out the big problem?
Have you found any clues to the problem?
Mr Thomas will be able to solve the problem.
The countries concerned settled the dispute by peaceful means.
Fighting and screaming don't solve anything.
We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes.
The government isn't doing its best to solve the housing problem.
They made a great effort to settle the problem.
This case might not get resolved for a while.
This is the best method to solve that problem.
He found a clue to solve the mysterious affair.
Solving the problem of world hunger isn't my job.
The best way to solve a problem is sometimes the simplest.
These disputes between the two nations should be solved in accordance with international law.
The step they took provided at best a temporary solution to the problem.
The office staff worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the problem.
Don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything.
He is an expert at solving such problems.