Verb (する)
1. settlement; solution; resolution
Pitch accent
Composed of
solution (of an equation, inequality, etc.); root (e.g. of a polynomial); solution (to a given problem); answer; explanation; interpretation
decision; vote
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
everything turning out fine; the whole thing being settled
solution; solution strategy
resolution of an incident; solution to a (criminal) case
way of solving (a problem); solution
solution; way out
unsettled; pending; unresolved
key to a solution; first step toward a solution; thread to unravel a mystery
resolved; settled
early (prompt) settlement; swift resolution; speedy solution
proposed solution; idea for a solution
peaceful resolution
amicable settlement; settling the case leaving no parties dissatisfied
time will cure all; time heals all wounds
political solution
conflict resolution; dispute resolution
name resolution
address resolution
political solution; political settlement
conformance resolution tests
Examples (68 in total)
That's not a solution.
These problems can be solved.
Fighting won't settle anything.