Verb (する)
1. meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention; congress
Pitch accent
Composed of
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
discussion; deliberation; thought; opinion
Used in vocabulary (82 in total)
strategy meeting; council of war
conference room; council room
Examples (101 in total)
How was your meeting?
Shall we start the meeting now?
The meeting ended.
When did the meeting end?
Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?
Did he show up at the meeting?
I will go to the meeting.
The meeting hasn't yet finished.
The meeting was held here.
Are you going to attend the meeting?
The meeting was last month.
The meeting will be held next month.
He was absent from the meeting.
That meeting was a waste of time.
The meeting was held at the principal's office.
The conference went according to plan.
All meetings are open to the public.
It was a very long meeting.
I wish he had attended the meeting.
Her name was referred to in the meeting.
I can't go with you. I have a meeting.
He took part in the meeting.
I have to go to a meeting now.
The conference is to be held in Tokyo.
He didn't come to the last meeting.
The meeting ended earlier than usual.
The meeting continued late into the night.
The plan was adopted at the meeting.
The meeting will be held this afternoon.
The meeting has been fixed for next week.
I forgot the date of the meeting.
The meeting ended at 3PM.
Will your report be finished in time for the meeting?
The conference continued till 5 o'clock.
The meeting has been put off until next week.
The meeting began at nine o'clock sharp.
The meeting ended on an optimistic note.
Because there was traffic, I was late to the meeting.
Tom often skips meetings.
The meeting will be postponed till the 20th of this month.
He suggested we should stop smoking at the meeting.
The foreign minister attended the talks.
We took up that problem at the last meeting.
I had an awful time at the conference.
He was careful not to disrupt the meeting.
He's always late to meetings.
The next meeting will take place in a few days.
He represented Japan at a conference.
Is the meeting today or tomorrow?
Who organized that meeting?
He tends to be late for meetings.
The staff exchanged opinions in the meeting.
They interrupted the meeting for lunch.
He attended the meeting in place of his boss.
The medical congress was held in Kyoto.
We will begin the meeting when Bob comes.
I acted as interpreter at the meeting.
Mike acted as chairperson of the meeting.
You have to raise your hand if you want to speak at the meeting.
Tell Tom the importance of the meeting.
How many engineers took part in the conference?
A notice about the next meeting was posted on the door.
Only a handful of people came to the meeting.
We chaired the meeting democratically.
The representative was absent from the annual conference.
For once, Sue came to the meeting on time.
He kept silent during the meeting.
One of my parents has to go to the meeting.
She suggested to me that I call off the meeting.
The staff exchanged frank opinions in the meeting.
Last week's meeting was the longest we have had this year.
The leaders assembled in Paris for a meeting.
I don't need dinner. After the meeting I'm going out for drinks.
Didn't you get Tom's message about today's meeting?
He was dressed in a dark suit at the meeting.
We will debate this subject at the meeting.
He attended the meeting as our company representative.
The problem is that Nancy doesn't go to the club meetings.
I think it's time to wind up this meeting.
I left home early so I'd be on time for the meeting.
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.
"Why are you going to Japan?" "To attend a conference in Tokyo."
When's the next meeting? I hope it's not on Monday.
The conference was scheduled for March, but it has been put off till April.
A hundred and fifty diplomats came to that conference.
It was in this room that we had the meeting last Friday.
Some of the company's executives are out of town for a conference.
In tomorrow's meeting, we're planning to adopt a new marketing strategy.
The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.
I'm flying to London for a business meeting this week.
We held a meeting with a view to discussing the problem.
Tom is going to Boston next week for a meeting.
I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part.
The meeting finished thirty minutes ago.
Only a few members turned up at the meeting.
The meeting will take place next Sunday.
We delayed the meeting for a week.
The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.
The top leaders of seven countries attended the meeting.
You are late. The meeting finished thirty minutes ago.
Article 6. The president shall preside at all meetings.