Verb (する)
1. endurance; patience; perseverance; bearing (with something)
2. self-control; self-restraint
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
enduring something out of pride; putting up with it; grinning and bearing it
unbearable; intolerable; insufferable
test of patience; battle of wills; endurance contest
Examples (37 in total)
I can't stand him.
I can't stand him any longer.
I can't bear it any longer.
I can't stand guys like that.
I can't stand his arrogance.
I couldn't bear any more insults.
I can't stand humidity.
I can hardly stand his behavior.
I can't stand this pain any more.
I can't put up with this cold.
I can't put up with the heat any longer.
His patience reached its limit.
I can't put up with his violence any longer.
The pain was almost unbearable.
I can't stand his behavior anymore.
I can't stand listening to loud music.
Can you stand the summer heat in Nagoya?
I can't put up with that loud noise.
I wanted a hamburger, but I restrained myself.
I refuse to put up with his carelessness any longer.
I couldn't put up with his rudeness.
If you had been a little more patient, you could have succeeded.
We had no choice but to put up with it.
I can't stand her jealousy.
I can't put up with the way he spits.
I just can't stand this hot weather anymore.
How can you bear such a humiliation?
I can't bear the inconvenience of country life.
She couldn't stand the heat in the train.
I can't put up with his behavior any longer.
I cannot put up with his bad manners any longer.
John has to do without a stereo for the time being.
I can't put up with such bad conditions anymore.
She could no longer put up with his insulting words.
I couldn't put up with that noise any longer.
Tom can't put up with Mary's bad manners any longer.
I can't put up with his rudeness any more.