1. accident (caused by negligence); error; blunder
2. fault; defect
Pitch accent
Composed of
surplus-; excess-; over-; per- (chemical with more of a certain element than found in other compounds of the same constituents)
loss (of something); disadvantage; mistake; error; flaw; defect
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
involuntary manslaughter; accidental homicide; negligent homicide
(professional) negligence
gross negligence
accidental infliction of injury
accidental infliction of injury
comparative negligence
without fault; without mistakes; no-fault; impeccability
crime of negligence; careless offense; careless offence
negligent homicide
fault liability principle
Examples (7 in total)
It was all our fault.
He owned up to his fault.
Don't grieve about your past errors.