1. degree; extent; amount; balance; state; condition
2. (health) condition; state of health
Verb (する)
3. adjustment; moderation; regulation
4. addition and subtraction
5. slight sign of ...; slight state of ...
6. just right for ...
Pitch accent
Composed of
addition; increase; Canada
reduction; decrease; subtraction; (arch.) reduction of penalty (under the ritsuryo codes)
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
irresponsible; perfunctory; lukewarm; half-baked; reasonable; moderate
measuring by feel; adjusting by feel; doing by feel; adapting to the situation (one's strength, strictness, etc.); making allowances; using discretion
amount of force (required to do something); (using the) right amount of force; appropriate use of force
extent of (one's) foolishness; degree of stupidity
condition of fire; heat level; fire strength
measured amount (esp. of medicine); dosing; manner of seasoning; making adjustments based on experience; doing something by feel
water temperature (esp. bath)
seasoning with salt; amount of salt
state of slight intoxication; being a little drunk
amount of water
taste (of prepared dish)
the four arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
shape up!; act properly!
temperature and flavor (of tea)
rheostat; potentiometer; adjustable resistor
adding operator
adding operator
add-subtract time
Examples (2 in total)
How would you like your steak?
She tasted the cake to see if it was sweet enough.