Usually written in kana
1. which way; which direction; where
どちら is polite
2. which one (esp. of two alternatives)
3. who
Pitch accent
Top 1000
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
both; (not) either
where to?; whither?
Examples (173 in total)
Which shall I begin with?
Where do you go to school?
Which do you recommend?
Who do you work for?
Where are you staying?
Which is your book?
Either way's fine with me.
Which car is your father's?
Which team is likely to win?
Which cap is yours?
Which of you will go?
Which is your guitar?
Where did you go for vacation?
Which is the departure platform?
Where have you been this week?
Which is better, this or that?
I don't know which is better.
A person is either male or female.
Do you know either of the two girls?
He can write with either hand.
We can't tell which is better.
Choose between this and that.
Which path did you choose?
I don't like either of the boys.
Either you are right or he is.
Which do you like better, dogs or cats?
Either you or I am in the wrong.
He doesn't resemble either of his parents.
Which do you like better, summer or winter?
Which is larger, the sun or the earth?
Which expression do you use more often?
Excuse me, which way is the station?
Which do you like better, spring or autumn?
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
You can reach the park by either road.
Would you like coffee or tea?
You may take either half of the cake.
Which is cheaper, this or that?
Which party do you belong to?
Which group do you want to join?
Which is more valuable, time or money?
"Where are you staying?" "At that hotel."
Which is larger, Japan or England?
Take either of the apples.
"Where are you from?" "I'm from Paris."
You have the choice of soup or salad.
Which do you like better, apples or oranges?
Either John or I am to blame.
Which is heavier, lead or gold?
Which is larger, Tokyo or Kobe?
Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion?
"Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo."
Which book is yours?
It's not clear which of them wanted that.
Which bag is yours?
Either you or he is wrong.
Which do you like better, physics or chemistry?
Were either of your parents born in Australia?
I'll give you either of these stamps.
I can't remember which is my racket.
Which do you like better, skating or skiing?
Which plan do you believe is better?
You can park on either side of the street.
Which prince is the legitimate heir to the throne?
Would you like white wine or red?
Which do you like better, the Giants or the Dragons?
Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River?
Which do you like better, this or that?
Who is younger, him or me?
He will either come or call me.
I had to choose between the two.
Could you tell me which way I should go?
Do you spend more time with your friends or your family?
You can take either road.
Which of them is your brother?
I've been to neither of those places.
The question is which to choose.
Which is older, this book or that one?
Would you like meat or fish?
You may take either of the books.
I don't know which doctor she meant.
We haven't yet discussed which method is better.
Which shirt do you like more, the red one or the blue one?
Is it easier to love or hate someone?
Which is the more expensive of the two?
Which is easier, this book or that book?
Which do you like better, music or English?
Which book did you pick out to send to Anne?
Where are you from, Karen?
Who drives better, your father or your mother?
Whichever you choose, you cannot lose.
One of them is a spy.
Which way is the cheese shelf?
What direction does your house face?
A referee should not favor either side.
Where are you all going so early in the morning?
Which of you will try it first?
Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?
Who is heavier, Ben or Mike?
Do you like Japanese or English?
Either Tom or I must go.
Which do you like better, chicken or fish?
Which way goes to the city hall?
We didn't know which bus to take.
Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York?
Which goes faster, a ship or a train?
Where do you go more often, Boston or Chicago?
Which do you like better, fiction or non-fiction?
Which do you like better, rock music or classical music?
Who runs faster, Yumi or Keiko?
Which highway leads to the football stadium?
Where is the nearest subway station?
Either you or I have to go there.
Either come in or go out.
Take whichever you like best.
One of these two boys knows that.
Please tell me which one to take.
I have seen neither of his works.
Which of them can sing better?
There are many stores on either side of the street.
Which color do you like more, blue or red?
One of my parents has to go to the meeting.
He stopped to think which way to go.
It's entirely up to you which one you choose.
Time will show which of us is right.
You need to choose one of these two plans.
You must choose between honor and death.
We were allowed to speak either in English or in Japanese.
Either he or I have to attend the convention.
Either you or I should visit her.
They are now either in Kyoto or in Osaka.
It doesn't matter which team wins the game.
Jack is now either in London or Paris.
He is now either in Rome or in Paris.
Either Ann or Carol is going to take care of the baby.
She was at a loss which way to go.
Either you or I will have to do it.
You had better learn either English or French.
Either you or Jane has to go there.
Where does her grandfather live?
The broccoli is either costly or of poor quality.
I wonder which of the runners will come first.
Where do the Jacksons live?
Who do you like better, Akiko or Sachiko?
Who do you like better, Sachiko or Akiko?
Either you or I must go in his place.
You may take either the big box or the small one.
Whichever you choose, make sure it is a good one.
The driver asked me which way to go.
Which side of the plate is the spoon supposed to be on?
It makes little difference whether you go today or tomorrow.
Either you or he has to attend the meeting.
Whichever highway you decide on, it will be crowded with cars and trucks.
Either you or I must attend the meeting.
We can play either tennis or baseball here.
Either Jim or I have to tell her about it.
It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not.
Who runs faster, Judy or Tony?
You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company.
We find it difficult to decide which one to buy.
I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join.
The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.
Tell me which of the two cameras is the better one.
Which boy is Masao?
What country are you from?
Who is taller, you or Ken?
Uh..., where's the post office?
Either you or I am right.
Who is taller, Ken or Taro?
Who runs faster, Ken or Tony?
The teacher asked me which book I liked.
Which train is bound for Odawara?
You may take either of the two books.