1. dropping; unloading; removing
2. grated vegetables, fruit, etc.
3. grater
4. using new tools (or clothes, etc.); new tools (or clothes, etc.)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
using a new brush for the first time; doing something for the first time; man losing his virginity (esp. to an older woman)
grated daikon; daikon grater
unloading (cargo, etc.); discharge
grated daikon; daikon grater
invoking a deity during a festival held in that deity's honor; medium's invocation of a deity to take possession of her (to receive his divine message or revelation)
freshly-grated (e.g. daikon)
stocktaking; inventory count; faultfinding
raising and lowering; loading and unloading
wholesale; wholesaling
filleting a fish (into boneless left and right halves and a piece with the skeleton)
wind blowing snow down a mountain; removing snow from the roof of a house
wholesale price
brand-new (clothing, shoes)
distributor (of goods)
wholesaler; wholesale dealer
grated daikon and chili; whole daikon with a chili notched inside and then grated together; grated daikon and carrot
intermediate wholesaler; middle trader; middleman; broker
wholesale price; trade price
sake that is brewed in winter, pasteurized, aged over the summer, and distributed in autumn without a second pasteurization
seasoning of grated daikon with soy and vinegar, usually for fish or vegetables
brand new (clothes)
wearing something for the first time
wholesale alcohol trade
wholesale price
grated radish; grated daikon
cold wind from the northern uplands
wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals
cleaning dirt or sand out of the digestive system
mashing of steamed rice, mold and water with wooden poles in traditional sake making