1. push; pushing
2. weight; pressure
3. authority; forcefulness; boldness; audacity; persistence
4. to forcibly ...; to strongly ...
before a verb
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (65 in total)
top recommendation; (something) highly recommended
oshizushi; sushi rice and other ingredients pressed in box or mould (mold)
commuter train packer
pushing; backing; boosting; pushing from behind (a cart, etc.); pusher
making doubly sure; insurance run (baseball); points scored for good measure
pushing though; bulldozing; doing something by force; arm twisting
arguing back and forth; bandying words; verbal tug-of-war
brute force approach (esp. in a video game)
imposition (i.e. of rules, of a decision); compulsion
a push; another effort
high-pressure salesmanship; the hard sell; aggressive peddling
jostling; milling about; crush; packed with (activities, products, etc.); teeming with; chock-full of
jostling; crowding
pushing by hand; hand gilding
in general; on the whole; for the most part; by and large; almost all
burglary; burglar; closet
not worth doing; waste of effort
pushing something out; extrusion; presence; appearance; run walked in; pushing one's opponent out by pressing one's hands up against them
long press (of a button)
stereotyped; stereotypical; invariable; like clockwork; regular
raised cloth picture
gold tooling; gilt tooling
by force
fast pushing (of a button)
(arch.) seal; (arch.) stamp; depressing the string of a zither with one's left hand; (in archery) left hand; obstinacy; stubbornness
stamping; embossing; tooling (e.g. leather); sigillation
pushing from behind; backing; supporting; instigation; instigator
straw cutter; short mane; pressing and cutting
upheaval; upthrust; uplift
push button; push-button
pushing and shoving techniques
winning by opponent's resignation (in the game of go)
winning by opponent's resignation (in the game of go)
plunger (of syringe)
pressing clothes, etc. by placing them under the bedding while one sleeps
uninvited (visitor)
rolled barley; rolled oats
invariably; like clockwork; with perfect regularity
drawing pin; thumbtack; pushpin
children's game in which (at least three) people stand back to back to each other and shove vigorously backwards
push boat; pusher craft; towboat
breaking into; burglar
embossing; inkless stamping
fall; drop; decline
weakness; dip
bruise (on fruit, etc.)
stone weight
ash leveler (use in a brazier)
pressed barley
pushing up with hands under opponent's armpits; armpit push
pushing against the wooden pole in practice
depressing something and turning it while still depressed (i.e. gas stopper, spark plug)
children's game in which (at least three) people stand back to back to each other and shove vigorously backwards
leading wave (of a tsunami, i.e. when a wave crest reaches land before a trough)
pressing the top of a pickle vat by hanging a weight on a staff, used as a lever (in Kyoto suguki pickle making)
technique for catching gobies using a straw mat or basket
displacement volume; displacement
drift (mining); driftway
forcibly; by compulsion; importunately; despite; in spite of; in defiance of
pressing forward without giving a chance to explain