1. gloss; luster; lustre; shine; sheen; polish
2. mellowness (of a voice); youthfulness (e.g. of skin)
3. interest; appeal; charm; color; colour; feeling
4. romance; love; sexiness
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
glossy; bright; slick
glossy (e.g. hair); sleek; shiny; lustrous
colour and lustre; color and luster; complexion; colour; color
(for an object) to be shiny; to be glossy; (for a woman) to be alluring; to look sexy
romantic; spicy; coquettish
burnishing; glazing; polishing
burnishing; glazing; polishing
love affair; romance
colour and lustre; color and luster; complexion; colour; color
love story
aphelinid wasp (Encarsia formosa)
mole near the mouth; beauty mark