Verb (する)
1. assistance; aid; support
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
paid dating (esp. with an underage girl; oft. involving selling of sex); compensated dating
supporter; helper; aid provider; patron
economic assistance
Examples (73 in total)
I hope you'll get his support.
He promised us his assistance.
I will gladly help you.
I am grateful to you for your help.
There is no use in asking him for assistance.
He turned to his friend for help.
We need your help.
I regret that I can't help you.
They appealed to us for help.
Without your support, we probably won't be able to put this plan into practice.
Cambodia appealed to the United Nations for help.
Foreign students demanded help from us.
I need somebody to help me.
You have no obligation to help us.
The country appealed to Japan for help.
You mustn't depend on others for help.
I owe my success to your help.
Thanks to your help, we were successful.
His help has been invaluable.
There seems no need to help that country.
We cannot thank you too much for your help.
They were kind enough to assist us.
Of course I accepted his offer of support.
More and more people offered to help.
We should help the needy.
I'll help you as much as possible.
He had no intention of assisting my job.
You shouldn't depend too much on other people to help you.
My father will support me financially.
To start with, I must thank you for your help.
We're counting on you for financial help.
I can't bring myself to help him.
Your assistance is indispensable for us.
They assisted the painter financially.
The House cut the budget for foreign aid.
We are grateful to you for your help.
With your help, our plan would succeed.
My success was mainly due to your help.
If you question his sincerity, do not ask for his help.
He said he would give a helping hand to them.
He helps whoever asks him to help.
He is poor but is too proud to ask for help.
Those who are suffering from hunger in Africa need urgent help.
I cannot provide you with any more support.
She gave me whatever help I needed.
If it had not been for your help, we might have failed.
I didn't want his help, but I had to accept it.
Had it not been for your help, I couldn't have done it.
Your help is vital to the success of our plan.
Nobody knows why he turns down my help.
Not only did he come but he also offered to help me.
Her help is vital to the success of this plan.
If it had not been for your support, he would have failed in business.
You can't count on him for financial help.
Unable to pay the rent, I asked him for assistance.
The industry is heavily dependent on government funding.
I will help you for the sake of our old friendship.
I'll offer him what help I can.
The governor decided to provide assistance for the victims.
I went to the lawyer for legal help.
Thanks to my mother's help, I was able to buy a mountain bike.
Thanks to his help, my work is going well now.
It is certain that he helped them for his own benefit.
If it were not for your help, I could not run this store.
We concluded that mutual aid was essential for attaining the goal.
The President decided to provide developing countries with sufficient aid.
With his father's help, he would have succeeded in this task sooner.
I am deeply indebted to my friends for all their help.
It is sad that so few people give money to help the hungry.
If our neighbors around the world are in need, let's lend a helping hand.
Since we can expect no help from others, let's try to do our best.
Japan was the world's largest donor of ODA in 1991.
Japan guaranteed a 2 billion yen aid package to developing countries.