Verb (する)
1. exercise; physical training; workout; sports; athletics
2. appeal; campaign; drive; crusade; movement; lobbying
3. motion; movement
Pitch accent
Composed of
fortune; luck
Used in vocabulary (153 in total)
athletic meet (esp. at school); sports day
motor nerve; reflexes; athletic ability; motor coordination
sports club (e.g. at school); sports department (e.g. in a newspaper)
Examples (68 in total)
Go exercise outside.
You should exercise.
Exercise is good for your health.
Exercise is good for you.
Exercise trains the muscles.
Once in a while, go outside and get some exercise.
I hate exercising.
Tom exercises regularly.
Walking is an excellent exercise.
Walking is the best exercise.
Running is good exercise.
I spent today exercising.
Walking is good exercise.
I should exercise more.
If you exercise for an hour every day, you will lose weight.
Swimming is good exercise for the whole body.
Daily exercise is good for you.
I have been a lover of sports since I was young.
When you exercise your heart beats faster.
Everyday physical exercise is indispensable to your health.
That exercise is good for the abdominal muscles.
Shoveling snow is good exercise.
Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of the blood.
Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
Exercise makes your body strong.
You need to exercise more.
I've been trying to get a little exercise every day.
It is necessary to do some exercise every day.
The doctor advised him to do more exercise.
She advised him to exercise.
I exercise for an hour every day.
They campaigned for racial equality.
I take light exercise every morning.
We started a campaign against smoking.
I try to use the pedestrian bridge in order to exercise.
I make it a rule to do some exercise before breakfast.
He organized a boycott of the bus service.
Do more exercise, or you'll get too fat.
A national campaign for energy saving is underway.
She is said to be a leader in the women's liberation movement.
The instructor advised me to get exercise every day.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
I get two hours' exercise every day.
Good health consists of proper eating and moderate exercise.
Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.
This movement had a great impact on the behavior of women.
You should stretch properly before exercising.
Jogging has become the favorite form of exercise.
Good health is inseparable from exercise and moderation.
This is a good exercise to help you lose weight.
A group started a campaign to preserve rain forests.
As the days passed, our campaign grew in momentum.
The doctor advised me to take more exercise.
You should take more exercise for the sake of your health.
Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.
We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health.
There is a movement against Japanese goods in that country.
I stretch before exercising to prevent injury.
Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion, and energy.
The anti-nuclear energy movement is being led by a number of organizations.
We came to the conclusion that we should support the movement.
The movement added a new page to the history of Japan.
We must focus on building a solid grass-roots movement.
Cycling is good exercise. Moreover, it doesn't pollute the air.
Acting on your advice, I've decided to exercise more regularly.
Try to exercise at least once a week.
We take part in Red Cross movement.
I work out in a gym two or three times a week.