Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; running; run
2. driving
3. working (capital, etc.)
Pitch accent
Composed of
fortune; luck
change in pronunciation or meaning of a word; sound change; word with an altered pronunciation or meaning; turning or twisting part of a text (in Chinese poetry)
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
driver's seat (in a car)
(professional) driver (of a taxi, train, etc.); motorman; mate (on a ship); officer
trial run; test run
Examples (135 in total)
I can't drive.
You drive.
Who's driving?
I didn't drive here.
I didn't know you could drive.
Neither of us can drive.
You're driving way too slow.
Can you drive a manual transmission?
I can drive.
Next time, I'll drive.
Can't you drive a little more slowly?
You're really a good driver.
What... you still don't know how to drive?
I'm used to driving a truck.
A policeman is driving a car.
He has been driving for hours.
Drive with the utmost care.
Carole is driving a rental car.
You're driving too slowly.
Have you ever driven a sports car?
Jack doesn't drive fast.
Do you think he is a good driver?
This car is easy to drive.
I am not experienced in driving.
He drives very fast.
Next time it'll be my turn to drive.
Careful driving prevents accidents.
I'm learning how to drive.
You should drive at a safe speed.
Can you take over driving for a while?
Chris didn't have a car to drive.
This machine is driven by electricity.
I drove from Germany to Italy.
Bob can drive a car, too.
Driving on an icy street is a dangerous business.
It's nice to drive on a smooth road.
I can't drive because I don't have a license.
Why were you driving Tom's car?
Fred and George took turns with the driving.
I know that Tom is a really bad driver.
John and I took turns driving.
Dangerous driving should be punished.
I never want to drive in Boston again.
Tom is driving a Toyota.
I saw you driving your new car.
Tom and I took turns driving the car.
I think it's dangerous for you to drive a car.
The man driving the car had been drinking.
She managed to learn to drive a car.
My little son can drive a car.
The machine is now in operation.
The accident was due to bad driving.
My parents taught me how to drive.
After the accident, he was banned from driving.
It took me some time to learn how to drive a car.
You're too young to drive a car, aren't you?
The young man driving the car was drunk.
Drive slowly. You might have an accident.
The man who is driving the bus is my best friend.
You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.
He is learning how to drive a car.
Defensive driving can help you avoid accidents.
His death was owing to his reckless driving.
He often drives his father's car.
I advised him not to drive.
He was driving a car along the street.
You'll be able to drive a car in a few days.
I'm getting pretty tired of driving every morning.
I often wear sunglasses when I'm driving.
She doesn't know how to drive a car.
Did your uncle let you drive his car?
Don't speak to him while he is driving.
I'm driving, so I can't answer the phone.
She managed to drive a car.
If you're old and can't see, don't drive!
If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital.
Jim drove too fast, which was reckless.
He drove the truck to Dallas.
When driving a car, watch out for pedestrians.
At that time she was engaged in operating a tractor.
I'll drive to Detroit.
My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive.
I tried to get him to learn to drive.
Tom was driving during rush hour.
Tom and Mary took turns driving the car.
One rainy evening he was driving a car.
I admire his skill at driving.
He urged her to drive carefully.
He is old enough to drive a car.
Every student passed the driving test.
He drove the car, listening to music on the radio.
She prides herself on her driving skill.
I was afraid that I might fall asleep while driving.
Check and adjust the brakes before you drive.
Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road.
Pam doesn't use the word "drive", however.
The accident was due to careless driving.
When you are driving, you should slow down on corners.
We had to drive slowly all the way.
He had his license taken away because of reckless driving.
He managed to pass his driving test even though he was a poor driver.
He thinks it's safer to drive himself than to let me drive.
You must be more careful in driving a car.
It was already dark, so I drove very slowly to be safe.
She saw him driving his new car.
You'll soon get used to driving on the right.
Are you still driving that car your grandfather gave you?
Each of us has to be careful when driving.
I had to drive myself to the hospital.
Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.
He uses extreme care when he drives in the rain.
We took turns driving our car on our way there.
A car in itself is neither good nor bad; it depends on the driver.
I wish he could have driven a car a year ago.
Railroad service was suspended because of the fog.
The police ascribed the automobile accident to reckless driving.
The accident was due to the drunken driving of a certain film star.
You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.
After a lot of problems she managed to learn to drive a car.
To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission.
I must make up for lost time by driving fast.
She is always critical of reckless drivers.
We do not become good drivers by concentrating on driving as such.
I prefer walking to driving in a big city like Tokyo.
Whenever I drive, I fasten my seat belt to protect myself.
The sniper is driving a white van.
My brother can drive.
Can your brother drive a car?
Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?
He drove the car at eighty kilometers an hour.
No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there on time.
I learned to drive a car and got a driver's license when I was eighteen.
He was fined five pounds for drunken driving.
You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.
I began driving our tractor when I was 12 years old to help my father out at harvest time.