1. factor
2. factor; divisor
Pitch accent
Composed of
cause; factor; hetu (direct cause, esp. as opposed to indirect conditions); the basis of one's argument (in hetuvidya)
child (esp. a boy); viscount; founder of a school of thought (esp. Confucius); master; masters and philosophers (categorization of Chinese classical literature); (arch.) you; -er (i.e. man who spends all his time doing...)
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
risk factor
gene; genetic factor; genetic element
blood coagulation factor
factor analysis
macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MMIF
lethal factor; lethal gene
natural moisturizing factor; NMF
zero divisor; null factor; nil factor
zero divisor; null factor; nil factor
cofactor (biochemistry)
tumor necrosis factor (e.g. cachexin); tumour necrosis factor; TNF
tissue plasminogen activator; tPA; PLAT
vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGF
Bayes factor
insulin-like growth factor; IGF
Examples (2 in total)
Motivation is one of the factors which affect the learning process.
In my understanding, those two experiments do not have common factors.