1. (a) step; one step
2. level; stage; step
3. small degree; small amount
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
one more; another; the other; not quite; not very good
step by step; by degrees
stepwise; one step at a time
to step forward; to take a step forward; to start on a project, etc.; to take the first step with
first step
to take a step backward; to step back (i.e. to re-think something); to distance oneself (from); to behave humbly; to budge (a little); to make one concession
just this side of; one step short of; on the brink
to take a step backward; to retreat a step
(a) step forward
one more; another; not quite; close run; just falling short of success
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
to be slightly inferior; to be a degree worse; to give an inch; to make a concession; to concede a point
make one wrong move and...; take one wrong step and...
step by step
one step each day
Examples (11 in total)
Both parties took a step towards a solution.
With just a little more effort, he would have succeeded.
It's a big step.