1. one part; one portion; one section; some
2. one copy (e.g. of a document)
Pitch accent
Composed of
one; 1; best; first; foremost; beginning; start
department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
full particulars; the whole story; from beginning to end
one part; one portion; one section
without any weak spot; watertight (e.g. reasoning); impeccable
Examples (35 in total)
Man is part of nature.
Part of the roof blew off.
Extinction is a part of evolution.
Part of the roof fell off.
Is New Zealand part of Australia?
Part of his story is true.
Part of the story is true.
She altered her plans.
French is spoken in a part of Canada.
The United States was once part of the British Empire.
A part of this land is mine.
Some students don't like wearing uniforms.
This rite is part of their religion.
Some of the apples in the box were rotten.
Some Blacks seek more radical solutions.
Robert got a small proportion of the profit.
Some diseases are caused by a defective gene.
Wastes have polluted portions of our water.
Some Whites seek more imperial solutions.
Some Middle-Easterners seek more religious solutions.
Some people believe that Japan is No.1 in everything.
His success was due in part to good luck.
The road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.
Some newspapers distorted the news.
Is Russia part of Europe or Asia?
French is spoken in parts of Italy as well as in France.
A part of the country was at one time a French settlement.
Some of the roses in my garden are white, and others are red.
Some babies learn to swim even before they are one year old.
Some college teachers come to class late and leave early.
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers.
Some hospitals hand out free samples of baby milk.
I met a group of hikers, some of whom were university students.
Every time a species dies out, we lose forever a part of our natural world.
The sun, moon, and stars are all part of the universe.