Verb (する)
1. coincidence; agreement; union; match
2. conformity; consistency
3. cooperation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
discrepancy; discord; disagreement; mismatch; dissonance
solidarity; banding together and working as one for a common cause
Examples (22 in total)
The story is not in accord with the facts.
My answer corresponds with yours.
Your ideas are in accord with ours.
His opinions are in accord with ours.
The story is consistent with the evidence.
These measurements conform to the blueprints.
His deeds do not accord with his words.
You should make your ideas correspond with reality.
At present, consensus has yet to be reached.
Your plan is not in line with our policy.
Our tastes in art agree.
His actions do not always correspond to his words.
His account of the accident agrees with yours.
We agreed to start early the next morning.
All of the rules must be in line with company policy.
The fingerprints left on the weapon match the suspect's.
Our views on the matter are in accord.
His statement corresponded to what actually took place.
My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan.
We all agree in liking the teacher.
Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday.
What you say now isn't consistent with what you said before.