1. one week
Pitch accent
Composed of
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
the whole week; all the week
Examples (71 in total)
It took me more than a week to get over my cold.
It took a week for Jane to get over her cold.
My aunt will come here for a week.
He went to London, where he stayed for a week.
We went to Rome, where we stayed a week.
It's been a long week.
I was in the hospital for a week.
I had a tough week.
A week is seven days.
"Can you do it in a week?" "I think so."
I couldn't go to school for a whole week.
I took a week off.
We plan to stay a week.
He was in bed for a week.
The party was postponed for a week.
The tickets sold out within a week.
I had a tooth pulled a week ago.
I can do it in a week.
He was absent from school for a week.
It was snowing all week.
A week later, she died.
She will get well in a week.
The weather has been nice all week.
Sunday is the first day of the week.
Please make your reservation one week in advance.
I read three books a week.
I took that photo a week ago.
The snowstorm raged for a full week.
We delayed the meeting for a week.
Tom has had a bad week.
It's been raining for almost a week.
The letter will arrive in a week or so.
I read several books a week.
My parents are travelling overseas for a week.
Tom spent a week in Boston.
The length of our stay there will be one week.
We've had good weather all week.
Things continued this way for over a week.
He came again after a week.
He has been sick in bed this past week.
I took this picture a week ago.
There is only a week left before the examination.
Come to think of it, it has been raining for a week.
In all likelihood, they'll be away for a week.
How many days a week do you go to school?
On the average, I go to the movies once a week.
It was a week of alternate snow and rain.
He plays tennis three times a week.
This ticket is good for one more week.
I go to the library two or three times a week.
These books can be borrowed from the library for one week.
You must finish this work in a week.
I received a letter written one week ago.
It is impossible for me to do the work in a week.
I go to the library at least once a week.
Cherry blossoms last only for a few days, a week at the most.
I must return home within a week.
How many flights to New York do you offer a week?
The city was restored to tranquility after a week.
My dear little cat has been missing for a week.
That man died of lung cancer a week ago.
I cannot finish reading such a thick book in a week.
Do you think it is difficult to finish reading this book in a week?
She's very ill and has been in bed for a week.
You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.
He lost the watch that I had bought him a week before.
This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week.
He left for Europe a week ago, that is, on the tenth of May.
This food will keep for a week in an airtight container.
I spent a week in Florence last year. I'm sure you'll like it.
The entire sales staff has worked around the clock for a week.