1. stomach
2. Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
stomach-ache; stomach pain; gastralgia
endoscope; gastrocamera
Examples (15 in total)
My stomach hurts.
The pain in my stomach has gone.
I ate so much my stomach was about to burst.
The stomach connects to the small intestine.
Does the medicine act on the stomach?
The medicine acted on his stomach.
Food is digested in the stomach.
I think I have an upset stomach.
The cancer has spread to her stomach.
My stomach hurts after meals.
I felt a sharp pain in the stomach.
It's obvious why your stomach hurts.
All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
Tom says his stomach still hurts.
Coffee may have a bad effect on the stomach.