Verb (する)
1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel
Pre-noun adjective
2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
while moving; on the move
means of transportation; transport service
study camp; overnight field trip; travelling class; class held in a different room (music, science, etc.)
mobile sales (e.g. food trucks); mobile catering; route sales
translation; shift; parallel displacement
Völkerwanderung; great migration in Europe, 4th to 6th century CE
mobility; migration; rambling; mobile; moving; ambulatory
moving body
mobile library; bookmobile
transfer car; (camera) dolly
theory of continental drift
mobile communications
mobile station; MS
mobile phone; wireless phone
itinerant laborer; migrant worker
moving average
movement to contact
roving ambassador
International Mobile Subscriber Identity; IMSI
distance coefficient
law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)
shift (of binary data)
cursor control key
mobile terminal
mobile reception (of a signal)
electronic funds transfer; EFT
electronic funds transfer
charge-transfer complex
perihelion shift (for a planet)
Examples (15 in total)
Let's move the sofa.
The typhoon moved in a westerly direction.
The swans migrate from here to Florida.