Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. opinion; view; comment
Pitch accent
Composed of
feelings; thoughts; meaning
view (of life, etc.); outlook
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
the same opinion
dissenting opinion; opposite viewpoint; contraview
seeing eye to eye; reaching an agreement; coinciding in opinion
exchange of ideas; exchange of opinions; brainstorming
opinion in writing; written opinion; argument
offering one's opinion (to someone on something)
advisor; adviser (to a lord, etc.); wise counselor allowed to speak to a lord without restraint
minority opinion
personal opinion
his opinion
consenting opinion
majority opinion
conflicting (opposite, contrasting) opinion; antagonistic view
protest advertising (on an issue by a pressure group)
you will appreciate your parents' advice as you grow older, just as it takes time to feel the effects of unwarmed sake
always listen to your parents; always value your parents' advice; (lit.) not even one in a thousand of a parents' opinion or an eggplant flower are in vain
Examples (135 in total)
I agree.
That's an original idea.
I want your opinion.