1. not less than; ... and over; ... and above; ... and upwards; ... or more
2. beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; more than; further than
Adjective (の)
3. above-mentioned; aforementioned; foregoing
4. since ...; seeing that ...; now that ...; once ...
5. that's all; that is the end; the end
Pitch accent
Top 45300
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
any more; any further; any better; any longer
further; above; anymore
beyond oneself; beyond one's ability; exceeding one's power
Examples (177 in total)
That's all, thanks.
That's all for tonight.
I've been waiting for over an hour.
He was more than a king.
There is more water than is needed.
I love you more than you love me.
It happened more than a year ago.
That's all the English I know.
John did even better than was expected.
I have been on a diet for more than a year.
Jane is mature beyond her years.
I waited more than two hours.
There're more people than usual today.
I've been walking for over four hours.
I can't believe that it's been more than a year.
He offered more than could be expected.
It took me more than a week to get over my cold.
No. I have been looking for them for more than one hour.
The temperature is above average this winter.
You must not live beyond your means.
Don't carry more money than you need.
The party lasted more than three hours.
This boy's intelligence is above average.
I like bananas more than apples.
The loss adds up to more than one million dollars.
It took me more than a month to get over my cold.
I was able to borrow more money from Tom than I'd expected.
You take more calories than are necessary.
I've been laughing at that for over an hour now.
Tokyo has a population of over ten million.
Most people believe that they're above average.
The manager was unnecessarily rough on him.
Children should not be given more money than is needed.
Children should not have more money than is needed.
There is more in his character than simple honesty.
My grandmother gave me more than I wanted.
Europe is more dangerous than I thought.
It has been over three years since I moved here.
More than half of the residents are opposed to the plan.
She slept more than ten hours yesterday.
Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year.
He has more than five dictionaries.
The Bible sells more than one million copies every year.
I worked more than eight hours yesterday.
My father has lived in Nagoya for more than fifteen years.
It took me more than one month to get over my cold.
More than 20,000 Americans are murdered each year.
Tom's annual income is more than $100,000.
Tom intends to live in Boston for more than a year.
He worked more than five hours on end.
He was forced to work more than five hours on end.
There's nothing more important to me than my family.
I have been wearing this overcoat for more than five years.
That's it for today. We'll see you next time.
Jill has been on the phone with friends for more than two hours!
They chatted over coffee for more than two hours.
This video has already more than a million views.
This hotel can accommodate over 1,000 guests.
It took more than a month to get over my cold, but I'm OK now.
Thanks to his efforts, it was more successful than we had expected.
It took me more than three hours to translate this into French.
Pets offer us more than mere companionship.
No one bakes a finer apple pie than Emily.
You've bought more stamps than necessary.
I think it will cost you more than 10,000 yen to have this camera fixed.
Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.
What greater misfortune is there than to go blind?
Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has more than tripled.
If you use it more than three hours a month, there are extra charges.
These gems are priced at over a million yen each.
It took me more than three hours to translate that report into French.
I estimate that the work will cost more than $10,000.
Cancer is not one but more than a hundred distinct diseases.
The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long.
Tom asked Mary if she spoke more than three languages.
A majority of Japanese workers plan to take more than three consecutive days of summer vacation.
The average skilled workers now earn over $10,000 a year.
Jack's problem is that his wife spends more than he earns.
That's why ostrich meat costs more than twice as much as beef and pork.
Those brothers are both over 6 feet in height. That's indeed tall.
The number of the people working in this city will be more than one thousand by the end of this month.
This movement from rural to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.
I have been teaching for over 15 years.
Are you over 18?
Health is above wealth.
I've waited for more than a week.
I've been teaching here for over thirty years.
There are more than 150 nations in the world.
There are more than 4000 languages in the world.
Over 100 people were present at the party.
It's over three kilometers from here.
I was made to wait for over 30 minutes.
It hasn't rained for more than two months.
There are more than eleven time zones in Russia.
More than 40 percent of students go on to university.
We haven't had any rain for over a month.
I stayed in Chicago over two months.
More than 90 percent of Madagascar's rainforests have been destroyed.
There were more than 100 students there.
They had not fought for more than forty years.
I have been acquainted with her for more than 20 years.
We have enjoyed peace for more than forty years.
Things continued this way for over a week.
I don't like books with more than five hundred pages.
There're more than 100 people in the room.
It's not necessary to write more than 400 words.
People over the age of 18 can drive cars.
I've gained over two kilograms since coming here.
I have been acquainted with the mayor for more than twenty years.
He stayed in London over a month.
I have been on friendly terms with him for more than twenty years.
This sweater costs more than fifty dollars.
We have enjoyed peace for more than 40 years.
The bill came to over $25.
It's been more than ten years since we came to live here.
This tree is more than a hundred years old.
The field measures more than 300 acres.
More than 1000 issues are listed on the stock exchange.
Jiro Akagawa has written over 480 novels.
I have known him for more than ten years.
There were already over 20 people sitting there.
Nothing can be worse than that.
There were no more than ten customers in the shop.
I have been to more than ten foreign countries so far.
More than twenty boys went there.
Children of six and above should attend school.
This dress cost me over 40,000 yen.
The height of the tower is above 100 meters.
There are more than six billion people in the world.
We lost sight of them over half an hour ago.
The population of Japanese people is at least 300,000 fewer than last year.
His debts amount to over $1000.
The doctor examined over fifty patients that day.
The price of rice rose by more than three percent.
Yokohama is a city where more than three million people live.
The club has more than fifty members.
Over three thousand people attended the concert.
They have had no rain in Africa for more than a month.
I've been to Australia more than once.
You may join if you are 13 or older.
People 65 and above get a pension from the government.
Nancy has been on good terms with my sister for more than five years.
I don't remember exactly, but I spent over 1000 euros.
I have visited more than nine countries so far.
The wrestler weighs over 200 kilograms.
The Japanese economy continued to grow by more than 5% annually.
The mountain is more than 3,000 meters above sea level.
It is over a century since slavery was made illegal.
More than 56 years have passed since Algeria gained independence.
This book's over a hundred years old.
Wow, it's been more than 10 years since I graduated from that school.
It took her more than three months to read through the magazine.
This library has more than 50,000 volumes.
He earns more than five hundred dollars a month in that job.
It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.
It is over ten years since she last went back to her country.
Our university graduates 1,000 students every year.
He kept me waiting there for more than an hour this afternoon.
It took me more than a week to put the model ship together.
More than 70 percent of the inhabitants are in favor of the program.
He has been in practice as a lawyer for more than ten years.
Giraffes are known to eat over a hundred species of plants.
Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as an adult.
Today we have more than three times as many vehicles as on the roads in 1950.
He looks as if he had been ill for more than a month.
Tom and Mary exchange more than 200 text messages every day.
Ants can lift things that are more than 50 times their own weight.
English is just one of over 2,700 languages in the world today.
The translation of the French novel took him more than three months.
The site gets more than 30 million visits a day.
I think it's unhealthy to eat more than 20 oranges a day.
Even though Tom is only sixteen, he looks like he's over twenty.
Over ten percent of them can do the work.
This advertisement is displayed on blogs that have not been updated in over a month.
Humanity has suffered more from war in this century than ever before.
He bought a new car. He had had his old one for more than ten years.
This area was first settled by the Dutch more than two hundred years ago.