Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. stability; steadiness; equilibrium
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
instability; insecurity; crankiness
sense of stability
stability; security; equilibrium
stabilization; stabilisation
stable period (with ref. to pregnancy, typically from 4th month when the placenta is fully formed, morning sickness usually goes away and risk of miscarriage decreases)
stable supply; reliable supply
stability orientation
steady state; stable state
stabilizer; stabiliser; electrical ballast (e.g. fluorescent light)
price stabilization; price stabilisation
stable majority
dynamic stability
stabilizing the feelings of the people; inspiring confidence among the people
strong stockholder
stable land-mass
hegemonic stability theory
price stability; price stabilization
economic stability; fiscal stability
stabilization crisis; stabilisation crisis
stabilizing (stock) transaction
steady; stable; calm; firm
built-in stabilizer
evolutionarily stable strategy; ESS
slurry; clay suspension
stability analysis
turn-on stabilizing time
monostable trigger circuit
monostable (trigger) circuit
European Stability Mechanism; ESM
crease resistance; wrinkle resistance; shape retention
stabilized continent; platform
Examples (10 in total)
I want stability in my life.
Prices are stable these days.
Wholesale prices are basically flat.