Adjective (な)
Verb (する)
1. relief; peace of mind
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
feeling of relief (for the time being); peace of mind (for now)
uneasiness; uncertainty; anxiety; apprehension; restlessness; insecurity
spiritual peace and enlightenment; keeping an unperturbed mind through faith
Examples (22 in total)
I feel safer here.
I'm relieved to hear that.
The patient is now out of danger.
I was relieved to hear that he was alive.
This water can be drunk without risk.
I feel at ease about it.
Rest assured that I will do my best.
I was relieved to hear that he was safe.
To my relief, he came home safe and sound.
My mind is at ease believing you'll keep the secret.
The doctor's remarks reassured the patient.
I was relieved to know that the operation was a success.
He could not rest until he knew the truth.
I'm relieved to know that I wasn't wrong about my sense of language.
I was relieved to hear that you had arrived safely.
I felt very relieved when I heard the news.
If you want security in your old age, begin saving now.
The doctor reassured me about my father's condition.
To our great relief, she returned home safe and sound.
We were greatly relieved to find that the worst dangers were over.
The mother will not be at ease until she hears of her son's safe arrival.
The little boy felt secure in his father's arms.