1. treatment; service; dealing (with); handling; management
2. handling (of a machine, tool, etc.); operation; use
3. treating as; treating like
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
treating someone like a child
preferential treatment; special treatment; discrimination; express delivery; special delivery
treatment; service; handling; management
treating (someone) like an object
treating (someone) with great caution (so as not to anger or upset them); handling with kid gloves; treating gingerly
hospitality; treating like a guest
treating (someone) like they are air; ignoring (someone)
treating like a stranger
how to manage (e.g. case); how to handle (e.g. machine); way with (e.g. children, animal)
handling of freight
parcel consignment
priority treatment; preferential treatment
home delivery
small lot consignment
Examples (15 in total)
You should be careful with knives.
Stop treating me like a child.
He was treated terribly.