Usually written in kana
1. London (UK)
Pitch accent
Top 11300
Examples (135 in total)
I am in London.
When did you return from London?
Can I telephone London from here?
Was it rainy in London?
We went to London.
When did you get to London?
London is famous for its fog.
Bell lived in London, right?
I ordered a book from London.
Last year, we traveled to London.
It is seven in London now.
Do you know the concert schedule of London Symphony Orchestra?
Have you been to London?
He has gone to London.
I plan to fly to London tomorrow.
The town is to the west of London.
Compared to Tokyo, London is small.
He left for London yesterday.
We went to London last year.
London is small compared to Tokyo.
Fog was a familiar sight in London.
London must be cold now.
Is this the train for London?
How long has he lived in London?
The messenger left for London in secret.
London is large, compared with Paris.
My uncle lives in London.
I was in London last month.
He lives in the suburbs of London.
We reached London at midnight.
I met an old student of mine in London.
June is a social season in London.
I had an enjoyable two weeks in London.
London was bombed several times.
The climate of Tokyo is different from that of London.
One day I was lost in London.
Jim has gone to London.
This is a direct road to London.
We went to see a comedy in London.
Our stay in London was too short.
One day, Natsume Soseki was lost in London.
We had a heavy fog in London.
There is a direct flight from Tokyo to London.
My father is to go to London on business.
I met her in London for the first time.
I got a letter from a friend of mine in London.
London was a city built for the horse.
We showed him some pictures of London.
I have a friend living in London.
I was in London most of the summer.
There are many beautiful parks in London.
The city lies east of London.
We happened to be in London at that time.
He came to London to study English.
The population of Tokyo is greater than that of London.
He has been to London three times.
I have been to London twice.
How many days will you remain in London?
He lives in a poor district of London.
He went to London via Paris.
Can you recommend a place to stay in London?
He will make a business trip to London next week.
I leave for London tomorrow morning.
John cannot be living in London now.
How far is it from New York to London?
They set up a new company in London.
He'll be in London about this time tomorrow.
He set out for London early in July.
Tom is in London on business now.
What was your first impression of London?
My sister works at the United States Embassy in London.
During my stay in London, I met him.
He brushed up his English during his stay in London.
He came to London by way of Siberia.
He came here all the way from London.
Nancy went to London as well as Paris.
Look up the trains to London in the timetable.
Now and then, we go to London on business.
I'm looking for information on the Anderson Antique Shop in London.
While in London, he visited the British Museum.
It is not known when he came up to London.
He was living in London when the war broke out.
My father has visited London many times.
The town lies just above London.
Prior to your arrival, he left for London.
After he left school, he went to London.
The scenery of the city reminded me of London.
He behaves as if he had visited London.
London developed into the general market of Europe.
The airplane took off for London last night.
Jack is now either in London or Paris.
She hasn't phoned since she went to London.
What time are you going to leave for London?
He arrived at Paris and immediately started for London.
They sent my suitcase to London by mistake.
Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London.
We'll never reach London before dark.
It will be late autumn when you get to London.
He learned his trade as a banker in London.
In large cities, in London for instance, there is heavy smog.
She writes to her pen pal in London twice a month.
Tajima went to London by way of Paris.
If I had had enough time, I could have seen more of London.
My son went to London, where I was born.
Last summer I had a chance to visit London.
I sometimes look back on the good days I had in London.
It was not by plane, but by ship, that I went to London.
The people of London are very proud of this bridge.
I didn't know whether to stay here or go to London.
I met Mary and John when I was in London.
Carol will have left for London by eight tomorrow.
During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.
Helen telephoned me that she had arrived in London safely.
Two adult tickets and three children's tickets to London, please.
When I was on the point of leaving London, it began to snow.
On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram.
Why do you have to stay in London in this heat?
She took full advantage of her stay in London to improve her English.
Takeshi hopes to go to London to study English.
If I were you, I would quit my job and leave London.
She would often go to the theater when she was in London.
Please look up the first train to London in the railway guide.
I have been to London before.
It's eight miles from here to London.
Much of London was destroyed in the seventeenth century.
It's about 133 kilometers from London.
The Thames is a river that flows through London.
They have lived in London for ten years.
He goes to London once a month.
My older brother has been living in London for many years.
I ordered five books on economics from London.
Taro ordered some English conversation textbooks from London.
The package will arrive in London on August 17.
In particular, London in early spring seems to suit me.
Zurich is the second largest gold market in the world after London.