1. radio
Pitch accent
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Examples (82 in total)
Is this a radio?
They were listening to the radio.
We are listening to the radio.
He turned on the radio.
How much is this radio?
I am listening to the radio.
He is listening to the radio.
Is this radio yours?
Can I borrow your radio?
The radio is a bit loud.
Last night, I listened to radio.
I wish they would turn off the radio.
The radio is too loud.
Is this radio Tom's?
In those days, there were no radios.
Radio is a great invention.
I stopped listening to the radio.
He sat listening to the radio.
I fell asleep while listening to the radio.
There is a radio in my room.
Are you fond of listening to the radio?
I wasn't listening to the radio.
There is a radio on the table.
Could you please turn off the radio for me?
He likes to listen to the radio.
What is the price of this radio?
The boy lay listening to the radio.
Can you fix the broken radio?
I'm fixing the radio that I found on my way home.
The President will make a speech over the radio.
The boy took the radio apart.
I listen to the radio every night.
Who was the inventor of the radio?
My radio has broken down again.
I rarely listen to the radio.
I have to change the batteries in the radio.
He was listening to the radio with his earphone.
We listened to his lecture on the radio.
I listen to the radio after dinner.
It's time to go to bed. Turn off the radio.
The radio gave a warning of bad weather.
The Vice-President transmitted the message by radio.
The radio was invented by Marconi.
Turn the radio up a little.
Could you turn the radio down?
Please turn down the radio.
Do you listen to the radio at home every day?
There were no radios in Japan in those days.
I also like listening to music on the radio.
I pressed the button to turn the radio on.
Did you hear the news on the radio?
There was no TV or radio in those days.
The program was broadcast over the radio yesterday.
He learned how to put a radio together.
The radio is too loud. Turn the volume down.
You can hear the news on the radio at nine o'clock.
I'll have this radio fixed tomorrow.
I'll give you my typewriter in exchange for that radio.
He started to learn Spanish from the radio.
The radio on the desk is a Sony.
Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media.
While listening to the radio, I fell asleep.
According to the radio, it will snow tomorrow.
Listening to the radio, I heard the telephone ring.
According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow.
I used to listen to the radio very late at night.
He drove the car, listening to music on the radio.
George, if you are not listening to the radio, turn it off.
I used to sit up late at night listening to the radio.
The radio announcer had a masculine voice.
She practices English conversation by listening to the radio.
He fell asleep with the radio on.
According to the radio, a storm is imminent in the North Sea.
I found that I couldn't study well with the radio on.
He listened to the news on the radio as he fed his dog.
I often spend my leisure time listening to the radio.
I prefer listening to the radio to watching television.
President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday.
I really must buy that radio next time I am in New York.
Kate listened to the radio all day.
That radio is no bigger than a matchbox.
He bought me the radio for ten dollars.