1. ball
2. ball (pitch that falls outside of the strike zone)
3. bowl
4. board (cardboard, pasteboard, etc.)
Pitch accent
Top 3900
Examples (55 in total)
Pass the ball.
He got the ball.
Are there any balls here?
Mayuko has dropped the ball.
You like balls.
The dog ran after the ball.
The ball hit the net.
The ball bounced up high.
The ball hit the fence.
I threw the ball to Tom.
Hold the ball with both hands.
You have two balls.
She hit the ball hard.
The ball hit her in the eye.
He found a ball in the garden.
I caught the ball with one hand.
Please throw the ball to me.
A ball flew in through the window.
He threw the ball against the wall.
She poured the milk into a bowl.
He jumped to get a ball.
He put up his hand to catch the ball.
The ball bounced over the wall.
He hit the ball with his racket.
Jim and Mike threw the ball back and forth.
Tom kicked the ball into the goal.
It is something like a ball.
The teacher opened the box and took out a ball.
I found the lost ball in the park.
The dog wouldn't let go of the ball.
A baseball came flying through the window.
This ball is that boy's treasure.
The ball hit him on the left side of the head.
Jim kicked the ball very hard.
A rubber ball bounces because it is elastic.
I was able to obtain a personally signed ball.
How can we get the ball away from the dog?
Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball.
Then he kicked the ball hard.
Roll the ball to me.
A ball hit the back of my head while I was playing soccer.
The player swung the bat at a ball.
I have a bat and ball.
I threw a ball to my dog and he caught it in his mouth.
You could say that both balls have the same weight.
The Mayas made their balls out of rubber.
You need a bat, a ball and gloves to play baseball.
Hey! Your baseball just broke my window.
A baseball came rolling to my feet.
I asked the boy to throw the ball back.
That boy often breaks our windows with a ball.
Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball.
The boy broke the window with a baseball last weekend.
The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it.
We saw Tom juggling three balls.