1. department store
2. department
Pitch accent
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Examples (25 in total)
I bought it at a department store.
Is there a department store on this street?
Department stores sell numerous things.
He went shopping at a department store.
I bought a new hat at the department store.
This department store is closed today.
I shop at department stores and supermarkets.
She got out of the taxi at the department store.
The new department store will be opened next month.
All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the department store.
This department store is closed at seven.
Tom went shopping at a department store.
The department store was crammed with holiday shoppers.
Where's the nearest department store?
I would like to buy a new coat at that department store.
The young man manages a big department store.
There is a bookstore in front of the department store.
I helped the boy who got lost in the department store.
I ordered the book from the department store by telephone.
I met Jane in the department store by chance.
For the time being, she is clerking in a department store.
The department store is always packed with customers.
I went to the department store with a view to buying a present.
I usually buy my clothes at the department store.
A woman lost her driver's license while she was shopping the other day at a department store.