1. shower
Pitch accent
Top 5700
Examples (19 in total)
Are you going to shower?
The shower is broken.
Water is not coming out of the shower.
I'll take a shower tonight.
Have you had a shower today?
Someone's still in the shower.
I prefer showering in the morning.
I'm going to take a quick shower.
You smell sweaty. Go and have a shower.
I prefer to shower in the morning.
I want a room with a shower.
Do you have any rooms with a shower and toilet?
Refrain from showering or bathing today.
I take a shower every other day.
Mary came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her head.
Why does the phone always ring when I'm in the shower?
Some national parks offer showers and even baby-sitting services.
Go and shower first.
She spent ten days without a toilet or shower.