1. cookie; biscuit
2. cookie (browser-related file sent from a WWW server)
Pitch accent
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Examples (35 in total)
I baked some cookies.
He is making cookies.
This cookie is delicious.
Cookie was raised by Kate.
How about some milk and cookies?
Take as many cookies as you want.
Mayuko ate up all the cookies.
Who ate the last cookie?
Cookie's house is made of wood.
Are you going to eat that cookie?
There is a cookie under the table.
Who ate all the cookies?
Cookie likes adventure stories.
Mother bakes cookies on Sundays.
"Meow! Meow! Meowww!" "Not now, Cookie."
Cookie is Tom's dog.
Cookie's mother died of cancer.
These cookies are fresh from the oven.
All of the cookies are in the shape of stars.
Everyone, let's take a small break. The cookies have arrived.
These cookies are star-shaped.
There are some cookies in the jar.
I have a brown dog named Cookie.
Tom ate all the chips and cookies.
I made too many cookies, so won't you take some?
Mary spent the afternoon baking cookies.
Tom named his dog Cookie.
Please help yourself to the cookies.
Some cookies are stored indefinitely on users' hard drives.
I wonder how it is when the web server uses cookies?
She said to me, 'I'll go out and buy cookies.'
I looked at my cat and said, "Thank you for existing, Cookie."
My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home.
Cookie is under 5 years old.
They bought a box of cookies.