Usually written in kana
1. fool; idiot
2. dotage; senility; dementia
Usually written in kana
3. touched in the head (from); out of it (from); feeling sluggish (from); not yet up to par (after)
Usually written in kana
4. funny man (of a comedy duo)
Kanji used
fall in love
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
being still half asleep; being half awake; being not yet quite awake
waiting in vain
person obsessed with thoughts of sex
slow-witted person; dimwit; halfwit; faded, dull-colored eggplant
natural airhead; person prone to making silly mistakes
great idiot; fool; (saying) something silly or stupid
worn-out; threadbare; timeworn; weathered; musty
shit for brains