1. similar to; like
Composed of
looking like (someone); taking after (either of one's parents)
Examples (29 in total)
My sister resembles my mother.
You look like your mother.
He looks like his father.
He resembles his mother.
He resembles his grandfather.
Jack resembles his father.
Jim resembles his father.
Your situation is analogous to mine.
That child resembles his father.
He looks like your brother.
What does this rock look like?
My sister resembles my grandmother.
She resembles that actress.
The earth is similar to an orange in shape.
Do you think I look like Tom?
Your idea seems to be similar to mine.
Its long neck resembles that of a horse.
Your handwriting is similar to mine.
England resembles Japan in many respects.
The boy faintly resembled his father in appearance.
She resembles a popular singer.
The shape of the roof looks like a pyramid.
The climate here is very similar to that of England.
Those proposals seem very much alike to me.
Yoshio resembles his mother in personality and his father in appearance.
The fruit is similar to an orange in shape and to a pineapple in taste.
The prominent psychologist resembles my uncle in appearance.
The island as seen from above resembles a pear in shape.
Nancy looks like my sister.