Usually written in kana
1. according to (someone)
Top 2600
Composed of
by means of; due to; because of; according to
Examples (18 in total)
The long-range forecast says we will have a mild winter.
According to the newspaper, it will rain today.
According to the timetable, the train will arrive soon.
The invention of electric light is accredited to Edison.
According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow.
According to the news, he was eaten by sharks.
According to the papers, the man has finally confessed.
According to Mike, Mac bought a new car.
According to the radio, a storm is imminent in the North Sea.
Today's paper says that another typhoon is on its way.
According to the vice president, the company has yet to receive a contract from a foreign company.
According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa.
According to the paper, there was a big fire in Boston.
A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.
According to what they say, that boy is very good at singing.
In my experience, it takes one year to learn French grammar.
According to TV news, there was a plane crash in India.
According to the newspaper, there was a big fire last night.