1. how; in what way; by what means
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Examples (86 in total)
How do you do it?
How did you make it?
How did he come?
How do you use this?
How did you get into the room?
How did you get here?
How do you eat this?
How did you go home?
How do I explain this?
How did we win?
How do you make a box?
No matter what I do, I just can't learn to swim.
How are you going to carry it out?
How do you use chopsticks?
How did you break your arm?
How do you access the Internet?
How do you go to school?
How do you kill cockroaches?
How did you meet Tom?
How can we put it into practice?
I wonder how sausage is made.
How did you get to the stadium?
How did you sprain your ankle?
How do I open the hood?
How did you go to Boston?
How do you earn your living?
How do I get to Chinatown?
How do you open this door?
How do you come to school?
How did you find my house?
How can I make a telephone call to Japan?
How did you two meet?
How on earth did you get it?
How do you plan to get home?
How are you going to pay this?
How shall we deal with this problem?
How does he go to school?
How do you operate this machine?
How do you use this camera?
How do you find the time to exercise?
How did you make this soup?
How did you make this video?
How did you come to know one another?
How do you find food in outer space?
It is a mystery how they escaped from prison.
How did the traffic accident happen?
How can I pick out fresh fish?
How did Tom become a billionaire?
How are you learning Esperanto?
I have no idea how he escaped.
I can't remember how I got home last night.
He gave an account of how he had escaped.
How will you manage without a job?
How did you come up with this crazy idea?
How did you get tickets for the concert?
How are you going to Milan?
How can I meet this quota?
How can you justify your rude behavior?
How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet?
How in the world did you do it?
I have no idea of how to send a fax.
How did you get so good at backgammon?
But how can they do this?
How on earth did you get into our room?
They do not know how they should use the money.
How can we get the ball away from the dog?
"How did you two meet?" "It's a long story."
How do I get to the beach from here?
The real issue is how to prevent the disease.
How did you obtain these old postage stamps?
I told Jane how to get to our school.
"How did you get to the zoo?" "I rode the train, and then the bus."
How did he make his living in such poverty?
How do you know that light travels faster than sound?
They didn't agree how to get there.
How did you come by all this money?
How did she get to know so much about fish?
No one knows how he has amassed his enormous fortune.
Could you tell me how to get to Park Street from here?
How will they get through the cold winter in that tent?
How do I get to your office from Hioka Park?
How do you tell them apart?
"How do you go to school?" "By bus."
How do I get to Gate 33?
How did you come by that fine gold watch?
How do you like your coffee, with or without sugar?