1. however
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Examples (44 in total)
Even though it's snowing, I have to go.
Is that true, though?
Snow is pretty, but it's cold.
But it isn't 12 p.m. yet, right?
But of course that was a long time ago.
I hate rain, but I love its smell.
I like summer, but not winter.
He might look scary, but he's really nice.
What's the matter? You look very angry.
No, but I like going to watch baseball.
I like London, too, but I think I like Paris better.
I like swimming, but I don't want to swim here.
I like summer, but I can't stand the heat.
Tom, what's wrong? Your face is bright red.
My French isn't very good, unfortunately.
I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork.
I'd like to get a bank loan; how do I go about that?
We're going out for lunch. Why don't you come along?
These clothes are beautiful, but pricey.
Mary looks like her mother, but her personality is different.
I like garlic but, because of the smell, I rarely eat it.
It's almost Christmas. Are you going to give someone a present?
I like grapes, but I can't eat so many.
This coat is nice, but too expensive.
I'm from Boston, but now I live in Chicago.
I love the outdoors, but I hate bugs.
Tom is diplomatic, but Mary isn't.
I'm Portuguese, but he's Brazilian.
Tom is extroverted, but Mary isn't.
I would give you the moon if I could.
If I'd had more money, I'd have bought that pen.
Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station?
I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist.
Mary is very beautiful, but she doesn't have a very good personality.
I'm not very good at handling hot weather, but I'm fine with the cold.
Venus is similar in size to Earth. Earth is just a little bit bigger.
We're good friends now, but we didn't like each other at first.
I wanted to play golf, but everybody else wanted to go swimming.
Your plan to buy another PC is out of the question.
Mary likes her coffee steaming hot, while Tom likes his lukewarm.
I have a new boyfriend, but my ex-boyfriend doesn't know about it yet.
I've only dated a Canadian once.
I'm 12 years old and what is this?
Tom, what's wrong? Your face is very red.