1. so; like this; in this way
Pitch accent
Top 600
Examples (71 in total)
I can't eat this much food.
I didn't expect it to be that fun.
I've never been this happy before.
I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long.
I wonder why I'm so tired.
Why is it so hot?
I wonder why I'm so sleepy.
We didn't expect it to take this long.
I'm sorry to cause you all this trouble.
Is it always this crowded here?
Why did you come so early?
What did you come here so early for?
I didn't think I'd be so nervous.
I didn't expect it to cost so much.
I didn't think that university would be so much fun.
Why's this so cheap?
Why are there so many towels?
Never be this late again.
Why are kittens so cute?
Are you always this quiet?
I wonder why it's so crowded here today.
It's been a long time since I've felt this bad.
I wonder why karaoke is so popular.
I didn't know tofu was this tasty.
Who's responsible for this mess in the kitchen?
I didn't think Boston would be this hot.
Why is French so hard?
Why did you get up so early?
I didn't expect you to get here so soon.
I wasn't expecting so many people to come.
Why is the moon so big tonight?
I have not seen such beautiful flowers.
I've never woken up this early.
I wish my back didn't always hurt so much.
Why is it so quiet in here?
Why do we have to learn all this much?
You mustn't miss such a good opportunity.
Why is summer in Paris so cold?
I've never seen a pearl of such magnitude!
Why is this pizza so bad?
We didn't expect so many people to come.
I didn't know Tom could cook so well.
I'm rarely this angry.
I didn't know you were so good at cooking.
I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold.
Why did you come here so early?
They are hardly likely to come at this late hour.
Never have I dreamed such a strange dream.
You are fortunate for having such good friends.
Even a monkey can solve a problem as simple as this one.
I was surprised at just how many languages there are in the world.
Why is life so full of suffering?
I thought it strange that he should be up so late.
She'd never been this frightened before.
Why is this song so catchy?
Why does English have so many idioms and phrasal verbs?
I like his new house, but I had not expected it to be so small.
Why am I so bad at allocating my time?
You must not insist on going out alone so late at night.
I had never seen so many squirrels in my life.
I wonder why the sky is so pretty after a typhoon.
I just cleaned my room today. Why is it so messy?
I've got to stop eating such sweet ice cream.
If there weren't so many taxis, there would be fewer traffic accidents.
Why does this shirt have so many tags?
That is why so many people are suffering from famine.
He must be a good walker to have walked such a long distance.
That is why so many students are absent today.
What's in this bag? Why's it so heavy?
This pen is a real bargain at such a low price.
Never have I seen such a beautiful scene.