Usually written in kana
1. grandfather
usu. お祖父さん
2. male senior-citizen
usu. お爺さん
Pitch accent
Top 8900
Composed of
honorific/polite/humble prefix
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
Examples (13 in total)
She was brought up by her grandfather.
How old might his grandfather be?
He was educated by her grandfather.
He resembles his grandfather.
The old man sat on the bench with his eyes closed.
Why don't you give your seat to that old gentleman?
Last night, his grandfather passed away in the hospital.
Once upon a time, there was an old man in this village.
My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days.
The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio.
The old man opened the car window and aimed his gun at the bird.
He told me that his grandfather is over ninety.
I've never been to my grandfather's house.