1. he; she; that person
sometimes of one's spouse or partner
2. you
Pitch accent
Composed of
that; those; the
person; someone; human beings; mankind; human (Homo sapiens); (other) people; others
Examples (35 in total)
Is that person okay?
That man is strong.
Did you spend a night with that man?
He easily gets angry.
Are you acquainted with that man?
What happened to his face?
Isn't that theirs?
Are they the people you saw yesterday?
I want to see them again.
Mama, why is that person crying?
That person is looking at our fruit.
To be honest, I do not want to work with him.
What he says is nonsense.
Those people are speaking French.
I don't want to become like those people.
I didn't remember that person.
I haven't seen him for about three years.
How long has it been since you received a letter from him?
Are they new?
He declined their invitation.
How long is he going to stay in Japan?
Are you sure that guy's name is Tom?
I often go fishing with them.
"What language are those people speaking?" "Greek."
Frankly, I don't like that man.
What did you do when those men attacked you?
If I were you, I wouldn't live with him.
No matter how you look at it, what he says seems to be true.
Nobody likes them.
You don't seem to understand their good intentions.
"Who is that man?" "Mr Kato."
Unless I'm mistaken, I've seen that man before.
As soon as they return, I will telephone you.
I hear he is a Tokyo University professor.
The man lent me two books this morning.