gather together
FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
old bird

Sometimes old birds like to gather together on top of a tree and poop on anyone unfortunate enough to walk under that tree.

Used in vocabulary (559 in total)
to gather; to collect; to assemble
to collect; to assemble; to gather
concentration; focusing; convergence; within a collection of works
meeting up; gathering; assembly; set
to meet; to assemble; to congregate
intelligence gathering; information gathering
gathering; meeting; assembly; collection; attendance
(powers of) concentration; ability to concentrate
recruitment; invitation; raising (funds, donations, etc.); collection; flotation (of shares, loans, etc.)
collecting; accumulating; collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.); garbage collection; waste collection
collection; compilation
settlement; village; community; (bacterial) colony
editing; compilation
to gather up; to scrape up together; to rake
massing (of troops); gathering
collecting; assembling
meeting; assembly; gathering; congregation; convention; rally
to gather (attract, receive) attention; to have a high profile; to gain prominence; to become popular
crowding together; clustering together; close formation; swarm
call; summons; convening; convocation
feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition; report
editor (in publishing, etc.)
editorial department
intensiveness; collecting; summarizing; putting together
convening; calling together (e.g. parliament); call-up (for military service)
concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.); gathering together; regimentation; marshalling; mobilization
assembly; aggregation
collecting; gathering
meeting place; rendezvous (point); roll-call (assembly) point; appointed (designated) place
crowd; community; group; herd; gathering; assembly
intensive; concentrated; focused
photo book (esp. one featuring photos of female celebrities, models); photobook
mishmash; miscellany; medley; jumble; mixture; odds and ends
complete works; complete collection; complete series
question collection; problem collection; problem set; workbook
totalization; totalisation; aggregation; tally (e.g. of votes); adding up; summing up
collecting; accumulating; collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.); garbage collection; waste collection
to gather together
(large) compilation; culmination (of hard work)
to gather; to crowd round; to sponge (off someone); to scrounge; to extort; to take (money) through intimidation
concentrated fire; intense criticism
time appointed for meeting (assembling); time one is supposed to meet
to call together; to convene
poetry anthology; collection of poems; collected poems
focusing (e.g. light); convergence
meeting place; assembly hall
meeting; get-together (e.g. among friends)
to put together; to gather; to collect; to scrape together
to gather up; to scrape up together; to rake
(making, launching) concentrated attack (on, against)
apartment building; housing complex
attracting customers
group action; collective behavior; collective behaviour; acting as a group
money collection
to become the focus of (attention, sympathy, hope, etc.)
book of pictures (paintings, drawings, etc.); collection of pictures
living in a group; communal living; community life
to begin to catch (attention, etc.); to begin to collect
agglomeration; clumping together; cohesion (of ions, etc.); flocculation (of colloidal particles); agglutination
leading group (of runners in a marathon, etc.); leading pack
Man'yōshū (8th century anthology of Japanese poetry)
to gather up; to scrape up together; to rake
throng; gathering of people
assembling (of people)
data collection; data acquisition
to collect the best; to put together the cream of the crop
(cargo) depot; (garbage) collection site; (ammunition) dump
special feature article
collection of short stories; collected short stories
document collection
collection of waka poems; anthology; songbook
levying; requisitioning; compulsory enlistment; recruitment; conscription
centralized authoritarian rule; centralised authoritarian rule
kickoff party; rally; pep party
gathering of talented people; group of geniuses
sound collection
to attract interest; to capture attention
Collection of Poems of Ancient and Modern Times
associate editor; deputy editor
fund-raising; fund collecting
crowd; throng
ability to attract customers
group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more people
application information; application guidelines; application handbook
to garner interest; to attract attention
swarm; throng; flock together
mass infection; infection outbreak; infection cluster
anthology; collection of works
aggregate results; totalled results; collected results
heavy concentration; overconcentration
in a crowd; ganging up (on); joining forces
right to collective defense; right to collective defence
to round up; to gather; to muster; to mobilize; to mobilise
to chirp (of a swarm of insects); to sing; to gather; to swarm
marginal village; depopulated village where most inhabitants are senior citizens
local downpour; severe rain fall
highly directional microphone
to concentrate one's attention; to be engrossed in
highlights; summary; compilation
to crowd together
mass psychology; mob psychology; crowd psychology; herd mentality; group mind
going to school in groups
collection and delivery
selection (e.g. of poems, texts); anthology; selected extracts
gathering (esp. troops); getting together; mustering
Chinese guger tree (Schima wallichii)
assembly room; assembly hall; meeting room; community room
collection of cargo (esp. produce, etc.); cargo booking
intensive deliberation; televised parliamentary debate for an important issue (esp. the budget)
collecting mania; mania for collecting; collectionism
Kokin Wakashū (Heian period collection of poetry)
centralized management; centrally controlled system
to gather in large groups
collection vehicle (garbage, etc.)
waste collection vehicle; dustcart; garbage truck
collected papers; collected works; collection of articles and essays
garbage collection; waste collection; rubbish collection
glossary; vocabulary
collection (of musical pieces); studies; album; suite
anticipated questions and answers (e.g. for a press conference, interview or oral exam); collection of hypothetical questions and answers
editorial office; editorial department; editorial board
to sweep up together; to sweep into a heap
to put heads together; to gather (for discussion); to go into a huddle
to put together; to gather; to collect; to scrape together
concentration (of light, e.g. with lens or mirror); condensation; condensing
collection of (famous) quotes; collection of sayings; analects
gang assault; mob violence; gang rape
to gather; to collect
saturated linework; concentrated linework
emergency meeting of the upper house of the Diet (in response to dissolution of the lower house)
collection (e.g. literary works); collected edition
collection of haiku poems
collection of letters; collected letters
swarm; throng
imperially-commissioned poetry anthology
class action; class-action suit; class-action lawsuit
garbage collection site; trash disposal area
editorial committee member; senior staff writer (newspaper)
village garbage collection point
collection (gathering) and distribution
collected waka poems (of a single poet)
selection (e.g. of poems, texts); anthology; selected extracts
centralization of power; centralisation of power
closely-packed series of lectures; intensive course
to round up; to gather; to muster; to mobilize; to mobilise
compilation; editing; recording
centralization (e.g. power); centralisation
recruitment advertisement
political rally; political meeting; political gathering
collection of essays (miscellaneous writings, literary jottings, etc.)
collecting mania; mania for collecting; collectionism
dwelling together; living concentratedly
managing editor; chief editor
collection of essays; collection of treatises; collection of theses
employment en masse (esp. of middle and high school graduates from the rural districts during Japan's post-war economic boom)
accumulation point; limit point
genome editing; genome engineering
collection of stories (esp. myths, legends, etc.)
garbage collection; waste collection; rubbish collection
population; universe; parent set
poems collected at the behest of the Emperor (from 905 to 1439); Imperial collection of poetry
mass outbreak (of a disease)
law reports; casebook
gathering votes
collection day (for rubbish)
degree of integration (e.g. components per chip)
song collection; collection of lieder
past (exam) question collection
mustering-out order; callup
to borrow money; to call for loans
group medical examination
trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes)
link collection
(crime of) assembling with dangerous weapons
collectivism (giving priority to a group rather than any individual member)
collection of works (in library cataloging); compilation
moated settlement (Yayoi period)
gather a group together
genetically modified foods; genetically engineered foods
short, intensive course; crash course
complementary set; complement
visiting temples, shrines or tourist spots to collect commemorative seal stamps
distribution center (centre); trading center
coming together; gathering and coming
number of people to be admitted or accepted
waste collection vehicle; dustcart; garbage truck
social group with common ties to a region
Collections of the Twenty-One Eras; twenty-one collections of waka compiled by imperial command (early Heian to early Muromachi)
parabolic reflector
to gather; to collect; to assemble
consanguineous group; kin group
editorial-staff member
collection of cases; collection of instances
collecting dust
anthology (of poems); florilegium
collection of essays contributed in celebration of something; festschrift
relative complement
gang stalker; mass stalker; gang stalking; mass stalking
preliminary results; intermediate results; in-progress total
stamp collecting; philately
attending a meeting; participating in a meeting
to gather; to collect
to collect (writings)
postman; mailman; mail carrier
collection of writings by the deceased
to call together
recovering the remains of soldiers (e.g. Japanese soldiers who died abroad during WWII)
agglomerate (e.g. of cells, molecules, etc.); aggregation; mass; cluster
truth of the origin of suffering
Man'yōshū (8th century anthology of Japanese poetry)
a Muromachi era Japanese dictionary
to blow and gather together (by the wind)
recount (e.g. of ballots); retallying
private or personal collection (of poetry)
aggregation; accumulation
assembly hall of a shrine (used for weddings, banquets, etc.)
audience; assembly; meeting
Suffering, Source of Suffering Desire, The Cessation of Suffering, The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering (The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism)
integration, e.g. of electronic components into integrated circuits
initial Meiji-era legislative body (1869-1873)
special issue of a magazine devoted to a particular topic
centralized (data) processing
meeting and parting; gathering and scattering; alignment and realignment; discrete set
decentralization; deconcentration
collection of literary sketches; sketch book
editing capability; editor function
edited edition; edited version
birds of a feather flock together
dramatic production with parallel storylines focusing on different characters; multiprotagonist story, film, etc.
heavy traffic (e.g. to an online server); traffic spike
gathering; meeting; assembly; collection; attendance
songbook; collection of songs
collecting; accumulating; collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.); garbage collection; waste collection
concentration (of one's attention)
to round up; to gather; to muster; to mobilize; to mobilise
gas collecting bottle; gas collection bottle
day on which many companies hold shareholders meetings (to limit disruption by would-be blackmailers)
stamp collecting; philately
mishmash; miscellany; medley; jumble; mixture; odds and ends
condenser lens; condenser
collection of mythology
occupational group; professional group; occupational cohort
line concentrator; line multiplexer
biocenosis; biotic community; biological community
garbage collection site; trash disposal area
agglomerated rural settlement
extortion; blackmail; shakedown; extortionist; blackmailer; racketeer
to round up; to gather; to muster; to mobilize; to mobilise
to borrow money; to call for loans
imperially-commissioned poetry anthology
collection of essays (miscellaneous writings, literary jottings, etc.)
freeloader; scrounger; sponger; mooch
concentration (of minerals)
birds of a feather flock together
alphabetic character set
booklet of essays; magazine
decentralization; decentralisation
collection of folk stories
collection of freight
crowd behavior; crowd behaviour
recruiting expenses
ticket collection
denumerable set; countable set
(many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist; swarming and scattering
recruiting (inviting application for) through personal connections; private (stock) offering (subscription)
collective goods (i.e. goods or services such as parks, highways, etc. which could be supplied privately, but are usually provided by the government)
group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more people
gathered together and compiled
crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)
single crime that naturally consists of a number of incidences and is charged as only one count (e.g. habitual gambling); crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)
cymose inflorescence (any determinate simple inflorescence); cyme
sample group; sample set
data input station; data collection station
alphabetic character set
Automatic Data Acquisition; ADA
integrated circuit memory; IC memory
technical glossary; terminology
complementary set; complement
partially ordered set; poset; semi-ordered set
haemagglutination; hemagglutination
current collector; power collector
current collector (electrical)
flies are attracted to foul smells; ruffians flock together
stamp book; pilgrim's passport; souvenir seal album; book for collecting commemorative seals or stamps (at tourist sights, temples, shrines, etc.)
stamp book; pilgrim's passport; souvenir seal album; book for collecting commemorative seals or stamps (at tourist sights, temples, shrines, etc.)
shares available for subscription; share for subscription
labor-intensive industry; labour-intensive industry
null set; set of measure zero
laminated wood; laminated lumber
condenser lens; converging lens
whale-fall community; whale-fall fauna
(genome) base editing; editing DNA bases
inhabiting a region (esp. in China); living in a concentrated community
collective chimney; centralized smoke stack
three Cs; three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact)
Examples (200 in total)
Many people have gathered.
Do you want to get together after work?
Let's get together again tomorrow evening.