FrequencyTop 1500-1600
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
small village
kettle with three legs
Used in vocabulary (116 in total)
to separate (by distance, time, etc.); to isolate; to interpose; to have between; to alienate; to estrange
space; interval; space character; whitespace
isolation; segregation; separation; quarantine
isolation; separation; remoteness; seclusion; reclusion; inaccessibility
distant; remote; isolated
at regular intervals; evenly spaced
distance; interval; gap; difference; estrangement
remote control; remote operation
barrier wall; bulkhead; partition; septum; diaphragm
(treating) equally; without discrimination; impartially; alike; in the same way
to be distant
every other; second; alternate
distant land; remote location; distant province
reserve; reticence; unfriendliness; estrangement
distinction; favoritism; favouritism; discrimination
partition; distinction
atavism; throwback; reappearance of an earlier characteristic; skipping a generation; reversion to ancestral type
difference; discrepancy
every other week; every two weeks
every other day; every second day
(treating) equally; without discrimination; impartially; alike; in the same way
feeling that one is living in a completely different age; feeling that something belongs to a different age; feeling that the world has changed dramatically
isolation room; quarantine room; isolation ward
separation of ages; being of a different age
distinction; favoritism; favouritism; discrimination
every second month; every other month
(treating) equally; without discrimination; impartially; alike; in the same way
being frustrated because something is not quite as hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe); having an itch that one cannot scratch
biennially; every second year; every other year
isolation; separation
distinction; favoritism; favouritism; discrimination
published bimonthly
separation; estrangement
reserve; alienation; estrangement
interval between (trains, buses); terminal dwell time
partition; diaphragm
to be far apart; to be remote; to be quite different
telemetry; remote measurement
telemedicine; remote medicine
being frustrated because something is not quite as hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe); having an itch that one cannot scratch
nasal septum deviation; deviated nasal septum
to put distance between; to estrange
to be far apart; to be remote; to be quite different
to put distance between; to estrange
nasal septum deviation; deviated nasal septum
distance learning; distance education; remote learning; teleteaching
diaphragm process
isolation theory
racial segregation; apartheid
geographic isolation; geographical isolation
virus removal; virus sweep
virus removal; virus sweep
interblock gap; IBG
interrecord gap; IRG
ASSIST; Advanced Service Support Information System Technology
separation of Buddhism and Shintoism
disjunct distribution
headway (between trains, etc.); frequency
reserve; alienation; estrangement
reserve; alienation; estrangement
Examples (23 in total)
The two towns are separated by a river.
What is it that separates this from the sea?
We have isolated one patient from the rest.