FrequencyTop 600-700
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
small village
light of the sun
Used in vocabulary (164 in total)
sun; sunshine; sunlight
cheerful; jovial; weather; season; spirit of yang
Examples (193 in total)
You are my sunshine.
The sun is bright today.
The earth moves around the sun.
The earth goes around the sun.
The sun doesn't shine at night.
If it weren't for the sun, we'd all die.
If it were not for the sun, nothing could live.
I love the Sun.
The sun is shining.
Which is larger, the sun or the earth?
Nothing new under the sun.
I ran in the direction of the sun.
The sun doesn't always shine.
The sun is the brightest star.
The sun gives light and heat.
The sun is out, but it's still cold outside.
The sun is so distant from the earth.
The sun was shining brightly.
The sun is much larger than the moon.
The sun is farther from the earth than the moon.
The sun is brighter than the moon.
The sun gives us heat and light every day.
The sun gives us heat and light.
The sun gives us light and heat.
The moon does not shine as brightly as the sun.
The morning sun is so bright that I cannot see it.
I am your sun.
I like the sun a lot.
There are a lot of stars larger than our own sun.
The sun is shining in the sky.
The sky became as dark as if the sun had sunk.
The sun was about to set.
The sun is about to set.
The sun was almost gone.
The sun sets earlier in the winter.
The sun went down behind the mountains.
We watched the sun setting behind the mountains.
I was watching the red sun sinking in the west.
The earth goes around the sun once a year.
The earth is small compared with the sun.
The clouds hid the sun.
The sun, moon, and stars are all part of the universe.
The sun illuminates everything with its light.
The sun is shining above our heads.
Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't break my promise.
If the sun were to stop shining, all living things would die.
The sun came out.
The sun shines in the daytime and the moon at night.
There is nothing new under the sun.
We believed that the earth moves round the sun.
Without the sun, we couldn't live on the earth.
There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun.
If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
The sun shines during the day.
The sun gives light by day, and the moon by night.
The sky is clear and the sun is bright.
If it were not for the sun, we could not live.
The earth is small in comparison with the sun.
The sun is so big.
The solar altitude is 20 degrees.
The sun was shining and it was warm, so I took the day off.
Sunlight makes my room warm.
The sun makes the earth warm and light.
The sun will come up soon.
The sun was about to rise.
The sun is rising now.
The sun is about to rise.
The sun rose above the mountain.
As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.
The sun and the moon rise in the east and set in the west.
The sun rises every day.
The sun was about to come up.
The sun rises earlier in summer than in winter.
The sun always rises in the east.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The sun rose from the sea.
The sun had already risen when I woke up.
This is a world where the sun doesn't shine.
Although the sun was out, it was cold.
They are making good use of the heat from the sun.
The sun had already set when he got home.
The sun was hidden by thick clouds.
Suddenly, the thick clouds hid the sun.
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
There is nothing on earth that is not affected by the sun.
The surface temperature of the sun is assumed to be about 6000°C.
The earth is one of the sun's planets.
What's the closest planet to the sun?
The planets revolve around the sun.
It goes around the sun in 365 days.
The sun shines brighter after the storm.
Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind.
If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind.
Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long.
She didn't expose her skin to the sun.
The sun was coming up then.
The sun having set we stayed there for the night.
The sun melted the snow.
The bright sun was shining.
The sun soon emerged from behind the clouds.
Chris followed the two and cheerfully greeted Kate.
They are very cheerful.
She is always cheerful.
She is always cheerful and smiling.
We had a lively party last night.
I like girls to be cheerful.
The sun is the eternal source of light, heat, and life.
The sun sends out light.
We take the blessing of the sun for granted.
The sun is dazzling.
After a while, the sun set and it became dark.
I wore sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sun.
We learned that the earth goes around the sun.
John is cheerful by nature.
There is no new thing under the sun.
The earth makes one revolution around the sun in about 365 days.
The sun was hidden in the moon's shadow.
The earth moves around the sun in 365 days.
The sun is about 1,000,000 times as large as the earth.
We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.
Nine planets including the earth are moving around the sun.
The sun appeared on the horizon.
The sun on the horizon is wonderful.
The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark.
The sun sank below the horizon.
The sun sank slowly below the horizon.
The sun rose over the horizon.
The sun rose above the horizon.
The sun went below the horizon.
We saw the sun rise above the horizon.
We saw the sun sink below the horizon.
The sun rose above the horizon in the distance.
The sun is sinking below the horizon.
Fruits spoil in the sun.
The sun is essential to life.
The heat of the sun hardens clay.
A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.
The sun is larger than the moon.
The setting sun is not yellow, but orange.
It is such warm weather that the roses will bloom soon.
The flowering season for hydrangea arrived.
If it were not for the sun, there would be no life on the earth.
Without the Sun, we could not live on the Earth.
He walked down the street whistling cheerfully.
This warm weather is abnormal for February.
He said that the Earth goes round the Sun.
The sun sends out an incredible amount of heat and light.
Patty exposed her back to the sun on the beach.
They thought he was the son of the Sun.
The sun is shining brightly.
The sun is shining hot.
What color do you use when you paint the sun?
The problem is that solar energy just costs too much.
The midnight sun is a fantastic natural phenomenon.
Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves around the sun.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
The sun came out from behind the clouds.
After the rain, the sun emerged from the clouds.
You can see the sun peeking through the clouds.
I think that this is a sunny spot.
The French word "soleil" means "sun".
There's a little black spot on the sun today.
Let's observe sunspots.
Solar energy is a new source of energy.
Nancy has a very lively and sweet temperament.
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.
Despite Mercury being the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is hotter.
The sun has nine planets.
There are nine planets travelling around the sun, the earth being one of them.
In addition to water, sunshine is absolutely necessary for plant life.
The sun rises above the houses.
Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system.
Copernicus proposed the idea that the Earth travels around the Sun.
Copernicus taught that the earth moves around the sun.
Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The clouds cleared up and let the sun shine.
The house is heated by solar energy.
The problem is that solar energy costs too much.
Let's talk about solar energy.
Solar energy does not threaten the environment.
Solar energy may be able to play a significant role in our daily life.
We must make the best use of solar energy.
I want a car that runs on solar power.
The distance from the sun to the earth is about 93 million miles.
We'll use energy sources such as the sun and wind.
Ancient Egypt used a solar calendar with 365 days in a year.
The tides are influenced by the moon and the sun.
Since I installed solar panels on my house, my energy bill has been cut in half.
The ancient Greeks knew as much about the solar system as we do.
The result of the tuberculin test was positive.
In Japan solar heat is used more for solar water heaters than for electricity generation.
The sun is going down behind the hill.