FrequencyTop 1400-1500
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
slashed rice
measuring ruler
Used in vocabulary (83 in total)
explanation; interpretation
slight bow (as a greeting or sign of gratitude); nod; salutation; consideration; thoughtfulness
to be satisfied (with an explanation, apology, etc.); to be happy
Examples (40 in total)
His interpretation of this matter is too one-sided.
I don't know how to interpret his words.
Please interpret my strange dreams.
I interpreted his silence as consent.
I interpreted her silence as a refusal.
How do you interpret these sentences?
I interpreted this as a protest.
This sentence may be interpreted another way.
The teacher interpreted the sentence for us.
I agree with your interpretation to a large extent.
How do you interpret this poem?
How do you interpret these lines of the poem?
Poetry helps to interpret life.
Her kindness was misunderstood.
The interpretation of this data, however, is very much in dispute.
She interpreted his remarks as a threat.
We interpret your silence as consent.
I interpreted your silence as consent.
He nodded to me as he passed.
The prisoner was set free yesterday.
The prisoner was released.
Release Tom.
The two men were released from jail.
The prisoners were glad to be free again.
I hear he was released after five years in prison.
He ordered them to release the prisoners.
They released the prisoner.
Release him.
The prisoners were set free.
The man the police arrested has now been released.
The police said they were going to release Tom.
The police released him.
The prince bowed down to Snow White.
The notes are at the bottom of the page.
Don't add annotations.
Look at the notes on page 10.
The problem is one of interpreting these ancient scriptures.
He was let out after serving just two years of his four-year prison sentence.
This sentence can be interpreted in two ways.
Tom disappeared while out on bail.