FrequencyTop 800-900
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
almost enemy
Used in vocabulary (184 in total)
suitable; proper; appropriate; perfunctory; half-minded; sloppy
appropriate; suitable; fitting; apt; proper; right
most suitable; optimum; optimal; best
pleasant; agreeable; comfortable
to fit; to suit
moderate (degree); proper (amount); temperate; suitable
applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
aptitude; aptness; suitability
competent; suitable; qualified
adaptation; accommodation; conformity
reasonable; suitable
conformity; compatibility; adaptability; congruity; congruence
to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to suit (e.g. a purpose); to meet (wishes, ideals, etc.); to match (implies competition); to rival
unsuitable; inappropriate; improper
the right person in the right place
optimization; optimisation
to make sense
suitable; appropriate; fitting; appropriately; accordingly; as required
suitable person; well-qualified person; responsible party; responsible person
to fit; to suit
proper quantity; suitable amount; proper dose; optimal dose
living a life of leisure with dignity; living quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares; otium cum dignitate
disqualification; unfitness; noncompliance
suitable post or role
suitable age (esp. for marriage); marriageable age
inadequacy; inappropriateness; unfitness; impropriety
adaptability; capacity to adapt; ability to adjust
suitable or moderate temperature
occasional; infrequent; rare
non-conforming process; noncompliant; incompatible
inadequacy; inappropriateness; unfitness; impropriety
fair or reasonable price
man fit for the post; right person
timely; opportune
precise; accurate; appropriate; exactly the right
qualified or eligible person
compatibility; conformance; fitness; adaptability
range of use; range of application; range of applications; scope (of a document)
to win the favour of (favor); to be acknowledged (e.g. by a superior); to measure up to
eligible; qualified; competent
proving to be right; coming true; being on the mark
right place; right position; right post
ideal; fit; fitted; fitting; suitable
to serve one's aim; to serve one's purpose
suitable occupation
precision; precision ratio; relevance factor; relevance ratio
suitable age
legal; lawful; legitimate
survival of the fittest
adaptability; flexibility; malleability
exemplification; good example; case in point
suitable place
unfitness; incompetency
to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer); to fulfill (conditions); to meet (requirements)
improper; inappropriate; illegitimate; unacceptable; unfair
suitable person; fit person; the fit
to be pleased with; to be to one's liking
living free from worldly care; easy and comfortable living
best qualified person; most suitable person
to satisfy (one); to meet (one's) desire
propriety; fitness; aptitude
adjustment disorder; maladjustment
occasionally; once in a while; seldom; casually; unexpectedly; accidentally
sex reassignment surgery; sex change surgery; SRS
to be able (to do); to be capable (of doing)
exemption (e.g. from application of a law); exclusion
living a life of leisure with dignity; living quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares; otium cum dignitate
proper time (e.g. for harvesting rice); appropriate time; right time
to conform to the rules of etiquette
legality; lawfulness; legitimacy
to have one's wish realized; to have one's wish realised
proper or suitable translation; exact rendering
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
to meet (one's) demands
optimization program; optimisation program
(another's) well-being
impossible dream
Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application
diseases for which a particular medicine is indicated
moderate humidity
lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb
technical standards compliance
Law Controlling Business Affecting Public Morals; Adult Entertainment Law; Amusement Businesses Law; Entertainment Businesses Law
to live up to (one's) expectations
right crop for the land; suitable crop for the land
unqualified (incompetent) person; square peg in a round hole
specific medicine or remedy
optimal; optimum
apt criticism
no match for; unbearable; unable; can't do
suitable crop
suitable occupation
affiliated company accounted for by the equity-method
suitably damp; adequately wet (e.g. for plants)
adequate (for); suitable (to, for); appropriate (for); proper
standing (of a legal case, e.g. whether there are grounds to prosecute)
optimal taxation; optimum taxation
appropriate word; apt word or expression; mot juste
not applicable; na
not applicable; na
search engine optimization; SEO
protocol implementation conformance statement; PICS
unsuited; unfit; ill-fitted
first-time adoption; initial application (e.g. of a new technology)
compatible specification; compatible standards; conformity standards
extraterritorial application (e.g. of a law); extraterritoriality
adaptive differential pulse-code modulation; adaptive DPCM; ADPCM
optimal order quantity; optimum purchasing lot size
Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses
impossible (dream, etc.)
search engine optimization (optimisation); SEO
Examples (153 in total)
The job is not suitable for young girls.
Read whatever books you think proper.
If there is a suitable occasion, I'll introduce you to him.