FrequencyTop 2400-2500
KankenLevel Pre-1
Composed of
mortar with a hole
short legs
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
palanquin; litter; bier; portable shrine
portable shrine (carried in festivals); palanquin; buttocks; lower back
wedding; bridal procession; marriage into a family
portable shrine (carried in festivals); palanquin; buttocks; lower back
public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus
to marry into a family of rank; to marry money
portable shrine (carried in festivals); buttocks; lower back; waist
to wheedle a person into doing something; to carry a portable shrine
palanquin set with jewels; money and social status gained by marrying a rich and powerful man
portable shrine (carried in festivals); buttocks; lower back; waist
man marrying into wealth and power
earth; world
to wheedle a person into doing something; to carry a portable shrine
portable shrine (carried in festivals); buttocks; lower back; waist
person who carries a palanquin; palanquin bearer
popularity; esteem; reputation; confidence
to wheedle a person into doing something; to carry a portable shrine
imperial conveyance
to enjoy the trust and confidence of
to ensconce oneself (e.g. in a chair); to settle oneself down; to plant oneself
palanquin bearer; carrying a palanquin
to enjoy the trust and confidence of
front palanquin carrier
two people riding in a palanquin together
even a woman of low birth can gain status by marrying rich (if she has the looks)