FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
divining rod
Used in kanji (4 in total)
to spy
making books or scrolls
as might be expected
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
virginity (of a male); virgin; (Catholic) nun; sister
chastity; virtue; fidelity
to become sulky; to become irresponsible (due to disgruntlement)
unfaithfulness; infidelity; unchastity
chastity; virtue; fidelity; feminine modesty
firm adherence to one's principles; chastity (of a woman)
chastity; fidelity; faithfulness; virtue
sulking in bed; going to bed in a huff
chastity; purity
virtuous woman; faithful wife
man who has never had sex except with sex workers
Jōkyō era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30)
Jōgan era (859.4.15-877.4.16)
Jōji era (of the Northern Court) (1362.9.23-1368.2.18); Teiji era
to keep one's chastity; to remain faithful to one's spouse; to remain faithful to one's lover
Antei era (1227.12.10-1229.3.5)
faithful; devoted; true; honest; sincere
Teimon school (of haikai, founded by Matsunaga Teitoku)
Jōgan period (of art history, 859-877 CE)
Jōei era (1232.4.2-1233.4.15)
Jōō era (1222.4.13-1224.11.20)
faithful or virtuous woman (wife)
extreme faithfulness
immaculate conception; virgin birth; tradition that Jesus was born to Mary although she was a virgin
Jōwa era (of the Northern Court) (1345.10.21-1350.2.27); Teiwa era
Sanriku earthquake of 869 CE
chaste (usu. to one's husband); faithful
pavilion housing the empress's reception hall (in the inner Heian Palace)
man who has never had sex except with sex workers
Jōgen era (976.7.13-978.11.29); Teigen era
to harp too long on a subject
Kōnin-Jōgan period (of Japanese art history, approx. 794-894 CE)
Examples (1 in total)
Tom is still a virgin.