FrequencyTop 500-600
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
intense flame

When you are having a heated conversation you can sometimes say things which can hurt the other person more than an intense flame.

Used in vocabulary (190 in total)
jest; joke; funny story
consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (somebody) for advice
it's no joke; gimme a break!
Examples (190 in total)
His jokes are not funny at all.
Was that a joke?
I told you that was just a joke.
This is not a joke.
Is this some kind of joke?
This is a joke.
Is this a joke?
Sorry, I only meant it as a joke.
I didn't get the joke.
We could not help laughing at the joke.
That joke isn't funny.
Is that a joke?
It is no joke.
I only meant it as a joke.
The whole class laughed at his joke.
That was a joke.
We couldn't help laughing at the teacher's joke.
I took it as a joke.
I thought it was a joke.
I'm kidding.
I'm just kidding.
It isn't a joke.
Of course, it's a joke.
I meant it as a joke.
I said so by way of a joke.
Stop joking.
This is no time for joking.
Are you joking, or are you serious?
His joke made us all laugh.
His jokes amused me.
His jokes made us laugh.
He is always joking.
He tells a good joke.
He thought the whole thing a bad joke.
He didn't get the joke.
He regarded the story as a joke.
He made a joke about it.
He's good at telling jokes.
He said so only by way of a joke.
He said so by way of a joke.
He keeps telling the same jokes over and over again.
He didn't get her joke.
He could not help laughing at her jokes.
He was amused at my joke.
They were always making jokes.
They all laughed at his jokes.
I cannot help laughing at her jokes.
Her jokes made us all laugh.
I cannot help laughing at her joke.
She regarded the story as a joke.
At first, she thought it was a joke.
It is true, it is not a joke.
Did you think I was joking?
Do you think I'm joking?
I could not but laugh at the joke.
I cannot help laughing at the joke.
I could not but laugh at his joke.
Ignore what he said. He was only joking.
I'll talk the matter over with my father.
The teacher has always been easy to consult with.
I consulted him about the matter.
He has nobody to consult.
Before deciding, I'd like to consult with my family.
I have many friends I can talk to.
I have a lot of friends with whom to consult.
Whenever I'm in trouble, I confer with him.
I consulted with my sister.
I consulted with my sister about my marriage.
We discussed the matter among ourselves.
I don't know who to consult with.
We all laughed at his joke.
We couldn't help laughing at his joke.
He began with a joke.
I'd like to discuss this with my wife before making a decision.
If only you were here, I could consult you about it.
Let's get together and talk about the matter.
I was hoping that it was a joke.
I consulted with my father about the plan.
I did that without consulting anyone.
His joke set everyone laughing.
I ought to have consulted my parents on the matter.
She ended her speech with some jokes.
This was meant as a joke.
Saying "it's just a joke" is an excuse.
He said it merely as a joke.
Let's talk over the plan after school.
You'd better consult the doctor.
I took it as a joke and did not answer.
It's merely a joke.
It was a stupid joke.
Consult a doctor.
He laughed at my joke.
She was amused at the joke.
She told him a joke, but he didn't think it was funny.
I have no one to talk about my problems with.
I like your jokes. They're very funny.
Don't joke like that.
My uncle told me the story by way of a joke.
You should confer with your attorney on this matter.
You'd better consult an attorney beforehand.
You should have consulted your lawyer.
"Now and then I think of divorcing him." "You must be kidding!"
He didn't trust his brother enough to confide in him.
I have no one to confide in.
You should consult a doctor if the symptoms get worse.
It was only a joke.
It's nothing but a kind of joke.
It is nothing but a joke.
I must confer with my colleagues on the matter.
I regarded your offer as a joke.
That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard.
Please consult with your parents about the trip.
Why don't you come in for a cup of coffee and a chat?
We have come to an arrangement with the dealer about the price.
His joke borders on insult.
On hearing the joke, he burst out laughing.
I want to talk with the manager about the schedule.
I am fed up with his vulgar jokes.
Don't take me seriously. I'm only joking.
Are you joking or are you serious?
It is not always easy to make a good joke.
At his joke, they all burst into laughter.
We thought his threat was only a joke.
Can there be a computer intelligent enough to tell a joke?
I'll let you know my decision after I have consulted my lawyer.
My older sister's marriage has finally been arranged.
Joking aside, what are you trying to say?
We want the meeting arranged as soon as possible.
The peace talks begin this week.
They chatted over coffee for more than two hours.
You had better consult with your teacher.
I didn't get Mary's joke.
He needs a few jokes to lighten up his talk.
I had a good laugh at her joke.
The first session of the trade negotiations is at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.
Don't take it seriously. It's a joke.
Never tell a lie, either for fun or from fear.
His joke eased the tension in the room.
Mr. Smith always begins his lectures with a joke.
Why would you want to talk to Tom about that?
Tom laughed at my jokes.
Tom has no one to talk to.
I told Tom a joke, but he didn't laugh.
Tom jokes are really funny.
The whole class burst out laughing at Tom's joke.
No one laughed at Tom's jokes.
Tom didn't like Mary's jokes at all.
Tom is good at telling jokes.
Tom thought it was a joke, but no one laughed.
Tom is always joking.
Tom wasn't kidding.
Tom is joking.
I thought Tom was joking.
Is Tom joking?
Tom laughed at all my jokes.
Tom laughed at my joke.
Tom couldn't believe that no one laughed at his jokes.
Tom laughed at her joke.
I'd like to have an interview with your father about the matter.
His joke made all the class burst into laughter.
He entertained us with jokes all evening.
She took my joke seriously.
I'll let you know my decision after I've consulted my lawyer.
At my joke, the audience burst into laughter.
I don't like this kind of joke.
Cease-fire talks concluded without progress Thursday.
His crude jokes made Jane angry.
I just meant it as a joke.
I was just kidding when I said that.
In their discourse after dinner, they talked about politics.
He loves talking about politics.
We held a pleasant conversation with the old man.
I was bored with his old jokes.
Mr Brown is our financial adviser.
The talks continued for two days.
Tom talked about his experiences.
My father told me about his experiences during the war.
After their quarrel, my wife tried to make some jokes to lighten up the mood.
How about consulting a doctor and getting sedatives prescribed?
Brian barely has enough money so he consulted his parents.
The summit talks are to be broadcast simultaneously throughout the world.
The summit conference contributed to world peace.
He told us a very exciting adventure story.
I read a book of adventure stories.
I have had quite enough of his jokes.
Please consult with an attorney when creating your company’s terms of service.
The peace talks have been suspended for a while.
The peace talks failed again.
The peace talks failed again, with both sides blaming the other for the failure.